Join us for an afternoon celebrating the culture, heritage and history of Scotland’s Traveller communities. The afternoon’s celebration includes live performances from community members Jess Smith, Joss Cameron and Sam Donaldson. Wednesday 26th April 2023, 2pm Project Room (1.06), 50 George Square This event is hosted by Robert Fell, SGSAH Postdoctoral Fellow in Celtic and […]
Join us for a reinterpretation of the Eliza Ross Manuscript, collected on the Isle of Raasay in 1812, with Fraser Fifield and Dave Milligan. 26th Feb 2023, 7.30pm Reid Concert Hall Register via Eventbrite The Elizabeth Ross Manuscript was compiled on the Isle of Rassay in 1812 and is the earliest known manuscript of Highland […]
The next Gaelic Writer in Residence Event will be in The Scottish Poetry Library at 7pm on Thursday 23 February as part of World Gaelic Week. Fresh voices, Robbie MacLeòid and Rona Dhòmhnallach will read their stimulating poetry and discuss their creative journeys to this point, hosted by Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. Rona, originally from […]
I’ve played the Scottish bagpipes since 1986, initially learning about the instrument and the music played on it in what can be described as ‘a traditional fashion’. I became acquainted with the various strands of repertoire, ceol mor agus beag, developing an overview of the various collections which constitute the available canon of music of […]
Workshop with Fraser Fifield, Traditional Artist in Residence. **Monday 12th December, Project Room, 50 George Square, 5pm to 6.15pm** Insight and discussion around Fraser’s experiences in creating new work informed by tradition at home and abroad. There will be opportunity to participate in some ensemble playing/singing, suitable for all, for which instrumentalists are warmly invited […]
Seo a’ chiad chuirm phoblach bho thòisich mi san dreuchd is abair gu bheil fadachd orm bàrdachd, òrain is fuinn Mhurchaidh MhicPharlain a chluinntinn beò! Feuch gum bi sibh nar cuideachd. Gheibhear leabhraichean air an oidhche, ach son airgead a-mhàin! Do join us for this first public event in my new post as Gaelic Writer […]
A Celebration of Scotland’s Music and Song Traditions Join us in celebrating St Andrew’s Day in music and song at the University of Edinburgh’s annual concert. Date and time Wed, 30 November 2022, 19:30 – 21:30 GMT (Doors open at 19:15) Location St Cecilia’s Hall Niddry Street Cowgate Edinburgh EH1 1NQ Key Information All are […]
My name is Fraser Fifield, I’m a musician and composer, and delighted to be the new Traditional Artist in Residence at the University of Edinburgh. I’ve worked professionally in music for around 26 years, releasing 8 solo albums and performing on bagpipes, saxophone and low whistle with many artists at home and abroad. During my […]
BUTH-OBRACH sgrìobhadh le Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir. A Gaelic Writing worksop in collaboration with Comunn Ceilteach Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Chan eil e gu diofar a bheil no nach eil sibh ri sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig mu thràth, is cinnteach gun ionnsaich sibh rudeigin ùr bhon ùghdar Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir! Ni sinn eacarsaich sgrìobhaidh no […]
Halò, tha sibh gu math? ‘S mise Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir is tha mi uabhasach toilichte gur mi a’ chiad Sgrìobhaiche Gàidhlig air Mhuinntearas aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann. Tha mi an dèidh bhith a’ sgrìobhadh bàrdachd is ficsean fad còrr is 25 bliadhna is ag innse sgeulachdan à beul-aithris son greis nas fhaide. Seo fios […]