We close our series of #ECOWeek19 blog posts with an overview of the “Student Project Grant”. Read on to find out how you can fund your project idea with up to £500.
The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability has teamed up with the Edinburgh University Students’ Association for the past few years to administer the “Student Project Grant”. This great initiative provides funding for student groups or societies to create and carry out sustainability or social responsibility themed projects usually over the course of six months.

Where could such a student project grant lead?
2017/18 recipients included:
Palma Soap is a student run enterprise. They work in partnership with a local non-profit organisation (NGO), K2 TASO, in the Kasugnu district of Malawi, where malaria is prevalent. Mosquito nets are expensive and are typically the only source of protection. However, through entrepreneurial action, Palma Soap supports thirteen women to run an enterprise in Malawi to help tackle mosquito transmitted diseases. These women have been trained on how to produce, package and sell a soap which contains neem oil, a natural mosquito repellent; an impressive 1200 bars of soap have been sold to date!
During late 2018, Palma Soap introduced a luxury soap line in Scotland, whereby the purchase of just one luxury bar of soap helps to fund the sustainable production of eight to twelve bars of mosquito repellent soap in Malawi.
The student-run R Sustainable Fashion Show (RSFS) aimed to make a link between art and science through the theme of sustainability. In March 2018, this fashion show was held at Edinburgh College of Art to explore the impact of fast fashion with engagement from sustainable design companies such as Green Fibres and Hemp Eyewear. The event also provided a platform for student designers to showcase their work, and included an exhibition space where local companies could present sustainable products.
So…has reading this blog post inspired you to apply for a Student Project Grant?
Exciting news! Applications will open again for the Student Project Grant in semester one of the 2019 – 2020 term. Keep your eyes peeled on The Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for announcements.
(- Image Credit: Duncan Holmes)
(- Image Credit: Duncan Holmes)