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Beginning the Course

A US airman reading a book about online learning

Off to a good start with the online learning then…

Hello to my fellow students and tutors on the Edinburgh Model for Online Teaching course!

I have a background in technology and I have recently been hired to work as an e-Learning Systems Developer in the School of GeoSciences. I am taking this course to learn more about the methods, approaches and technology used in online education within the University.

I am not a teacher myself, although at various times I have trained to teach Swimming, Adult Literacy and English as a Foreign Language. Teaching the first two of those online would be a definite challenge I think, although adult literacy could be very interesting!

However, as an Open University graduate, I do have experience of online learning, in combination with more traditional distance learning methods. I also make use of online education to build on my skills in web development and computer programming.

I am looking forward to learning more about online education as the course continues.


((U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Xavier Navarro/released))

1 replies to “Beginning the Course”

  1. snicol2 says:

    Hi Annabel,

    Stuart Nicol here, one of the course tutors. Great to see you have got up and running with the blog so quickly. The course isn’t only for those who teach, and as we’ll see later on the we broaden the definition of ‘teacher’ in the post-digital context to more of a ‘teacher function’ … it’s the interaction of teacher and technology (and I would include in that broader function those people who design, programme, and support the ‘teaching’ technology). That sonds like you!

    I look forward to hearing more from you as the course progresses,


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