Take 5 Minutes to read about recent developments at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP).
- Working group changes
Jane Hartley (jane.hartley@ed.ac.uk) has taken over the role of Adolescence and Young Adulthood Working Group Research Fellow. Jane joined us at the beginning of last year to work on our Robertson Trust funded parenting intervention project. The previous Adolescence Fellow, John McAteer is now responsible for the day to day management of SCPHRP staff affiliated to our four working groups, in addition to his other research commitments.
- Farewell to SCPHRPs Tony Robertson & Andrew Williams
Both Tony Robertson and Andrew Williams have left SCPHRP for new pastures. Tony has taken up a position as a Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Stirling, and Andrew has taken on a lectureship at the European Centre for the Environment and Human Health, part of the University of Exeter. Tony and Andrew will be very much missed and we wish them all the best in their new positions!
- SCPHRP Development Awards
We are delighted to announce a new funding scheme for our third sector and policy/practice Working Group members. This is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the capacity of the Scottish public health workforce to contribute to, and utilise research, via appropriate career development opportunities.
Applicants can seek funding for a number of career development activities, including:
* Attendance at a relevant conference, including registration, travel and accommodation costs
* Attendance at a relevant seminar/workshop, including registration, travel and accommodation costs
* Further education opportunities, including relevant modules/courses
* Travel to meet with a key figure in a related field, where such a meeting is likely to benefit your work
Applications will be accepted throughout the year, until all available monies (£5,000 per working group) have been allocated. To register as a member of any of the working groups, please visit: http://www.scphrp.ac.uk/join-a-working-group/, and contact the relevant Fellow for further information.
- Health Impacts of Mixed-Tenure Housing Regeneration in Toronto’s Regent Park 18 February 2016 at University of Edinburgh, Appleton Tower.
A public lecture hosted by the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP) and the Centre for Population Health Sciences (CPHS). James R Dunn, Ph.D. (Jim) is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University and a Scientist at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. Register at Eventbrite.
- Williams, A.J., Wyatt, K.M., Williams, C.A., Logan, S., Henley, W.E., 2015. Exploring the potential of a school impact on pupil weight status: exploratory factor analysis and repeat cross-sectional study of the National Child Measurement Programme. PloS one 10:e0145128. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0145128
The Scottish Health and Ethnicity Linkage Study (SHELS) is an on-going study examining ethnic differences in hospitalisation and mortality by linking health records to self-reported ethnicity from the 2001 Census. Health areas studied since 2004 include heart disease, cancer, maternal and child health, mental health, respiratory diseases, alcohol-related diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. The following papers have recently been published:
- Pilot study linking primary care records to Census, cardiovascular hospitalization and mortality data in Scotland: feasibility, utility and potential Abstract: http://jpubhealth.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/fdv192ijkey=2p0RDxafZzhwaIH&keytype=ref
- Ethnic variations in asthma hospital admission, readmission and death: a retrospective, national cohort study of 4.62 million people in Scotland http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/14/3
- Ruth Jepson is running a 2 day course on How to Undertake a Systematic Review, Tuesday 15 March 2016, Edinburgh WTCRF, Education Programme Seminar Room, Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh For more information go to How to Undertake a Systematic Review