SCPHRP Bulletin No 2
Take Five Minutes to read about recent developments at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP):
News & Events
If you would like to make suggestions regarding a SCPHRP event – including potential collaborations or speakers, would like to share articles and papers, or publicise your own event please feel free to contact a SCPHRP Fellow or Renee Ingram (
Event: 03 April 2014 ’ Limited spaces left! Professor Theresa Marteau: Reducing Health Inequalities: A Behavioural Science Perspective. Read more.
Event (£): 10 – 12 April 2014 – 2nd UK People’s Health Assembly 2014: Building a progressive health movement in a time of austerity and social exclusion. Read more.
Event: 15 April 2014 ’ Aging Well. The Meadowbank Tea Dance: ’If you’re over 50 put your dancing shoes on and shimmy on down to Meadowbank Sport Centre and join us for a toe tappin’ and finger snappin’ good time’. Read more.
Event (£): 08 May 2014 – Public Health: Use of evidence in health inequalities policy. Read more.
Event: 21 May 2014 – Social connections and health across the lifecourse. Registration open soon.
Event: 10 June 2014 – Young STAND Awards: Applications are now open for the Young STAND Award Scheme 2014. STAND is a joint initiative between Mentor and SCPHRP, the aim of which is to recognise and reward community and school based projects working to prevent alcohol and substance misuse in Scotland.
This year, our STAND Awards event will be held at the Royal Lyceum Theatre in June. Winners will receive evaluation support and a cash prize. To learn more about how to apply for STAND click here.
Please forward this information to organisations and projects which might benefit from applying from applying to the scheme. Photos and information from last year’s event can be accessed here.
Training Event (£): 23 July 2014 – Introduction to Seeking, Understanding and Presenting Evidence. Register here.
SCPHRP Website ’ The SCPHRP website is under-going improvements and will be re-launched in April 2014. You can still visit the website in the meantime.
Papers and Publications
Robertson T, Popham F, Benzeval M. 2014. Socioeconomic position across the lifecourse & allostatic load: data from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 cohort study. BMC Public Health, 4(1):184. PDF (£0)
Frank J, Jepson R. 2013. Public Health May Not Be Ready for Health System Change ’ But Neither Is the System Ready to Integrate Public Health. HealthcarePapers, 13(3) October 2013: 77-83. PDF (£)
Scottish Government. 2014. Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities (2013):Equally Well. PDF (£0).
Benzeval M, Bond L, Campbell M, et al. How Does Money Influence Health?. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. PDF(£0).
McAteer J, Jepson R, Wight D, Jackson C. 2014. Characteristics of Effective & Ineffective Adolescent Health Interventions with a Parental Component. PDF (£0)
Stead M, Eadie D, McKell J, Bauld L, et al. 2014. Process evaluation of Alcohol Brief Interventions in wider settings (Young People and Social Work) (2012/13 RE007). PDF (£0)
Useful Links
’SCPHRP Meets’¦’ ’ A series of Q&A sessions with leading public health figures. Visit the YouTube Channel.
Top Three Tweets from @scphrp
Tweet #1: ’UK news: More Londoners cycling & walking could create £2bn economic health benefit via @cyclingweekly #publichealth’
Tweet #2: ’@sarah_robbo: We are ALL wonder women. Happy #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2014’
Tweet #3: ’Research: The effects of weight & physical activity change over 20 years on later-life disability:’
SCPHRP’s vision is to develop Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with – and used by – key decision-makers.