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Character Building Project: The Process of looking at palm lines.

The lines in the hands really grabbed my attention after I used the ink and I started looking at how those small lines can tell the different stories of each person. I played about with enlarging them through printed photos and trying to collage them to create a new view of the same thing, something that has been part of the theme within my investigation into this project. I really enjoyed taking these photos and editing them to highlight the contrast between the lines on the hands, creating pathways and marks similar to when taking a print of a hand.

I also documented the process after I collaged the images together and decided to try to print onto the collage, really engaging my hands as a tool in developing this work. Focusing on the marks created by the palm line and the new layer of marks created from me using my hands in a performance like technique to physical enhance with the paper.

This process included me using white paint and black paint to follow the marks made within the collage and make new ones with my hands as the tool enhancing the layer beneath and adding dimensions with new layers. I though printing my hand onto this A1 collage would capture Asher’s character and visually communicate that they use what is at their disposal to connect creatively with the world through  their hands or materials.

The final image:

Details of image:

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