omg a poem 4 u!

wow, ur very lucky, 2 posts in a day? and one of them is a poem? wow. you must feel gr8. 

anyways i wrote this this afternoon, i don’t know why, mayb its because i ate such good leek pesto and also had a delicious ginger shot and kombucha lol. all the good energy channeling foods. anyways this is a poem about lil mice bbys, tryin 2 emulate them angela carter twisted fairlytale vibez, is not v good, but oh well: 


She was born, a Sooterkin,

Mouse-eyed and clawed,

Crawled from that space


“Oh, the pelted-power of a skin

On backwards and flesh-side in!”

The mother, c-shaped, shadowed

In tight fitting insignia

Swaddled and cradled her child

And named her Mildred

After her mother.

She was fed on a diet of cheeses

Blue and brie and goat and gouda

Until she turned the ripe age of 10,

And then, she found herself

Turning inside out!

The verso reversed and pellis prevailed

Until the signature itself

could only be read backwards.

Her flesh side becoming skin side

hair filled pores retracting,

paws compacting to fingers

a human girl!

As to be expected, the mother found

This new human child to be grotesque

And picked up her broom

And swept Mildred straight out the cat-flap.


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