Author: s1725621
Happy new year! I completed some more work on the ARIMA dataset before Christmas that I wanted to share. I firstly applied the same method as I used in previous analyses, plotting the RMS error over the full forecast time to see how the different methods react to longer forecast times. Using the full 1991-2016 […]
I recently posted a blog post to IAGA, and I thought it would make sense to post it here as well. Got some wonderful feedback on the context image (featured), though it was the NOAA who provided it! Aurora events on 3rd and 4th November 2021: A summary People up and down the United […]
Hi. Currently on week 3 of training. What have I done so far? Well, I just did a classification on some satellite data, and it looked pretty cool, so that’s something. I started with a map of Europe (thank you Google Earth Pro!) and classified it into 5 classes (deep water, water, forest, […]
I have done an RMS graph in a similar fashion to the graph I did last week, and I have come up with the following plot. It looks a lot more promising for the ARIMA forecast compared to the previous plot. I included 3 datasets this time (from 2014, 2015 and 2016). It is clear […]
I am now two weeks in to this project, and I am starting my first steps into the deep pond that is Space Weather. What did I do this week? I managed to get a python project going, which is not a bad start. I used some ap index predictions in order to assess the […]
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