Contributed talks
Contributed talk 1:
Raphaela Kreiser, Alpha Renner and Yulia Sandamirskaya
Error-driven learning for self-calibration in a neuromorphic path integration system
Contributed talk 2:
Melanie Jouaiti and Patrick Henaff. Slides
Real time movement classification in versatile CPG control
Contributed talk 3:
Ioannis Pisokas and Barbara Webb
Reverse engineering of the insect heading encoding circuit
Contributed talk 4:
Simón C. Smith, Richard Dharmadi, Bailu Si and J. Michael Herrmann
Deep recurrent neural networks for self-organising robot control
Contributed talk 5:
Nicoletta Risi, Alessandro Aimar, Elisa Donati, Sergio Solinas and Giacomo Indiveri
A Spike-Based Neuromorphic Stereo Architecture for Active Vision
Contributed talk 6:
Heather Riley and Mohan Sridharan. Slides
Non-monotonic logical reasoning to guide deep learning for explainable visual question answering
Contributed talk 7:
Simon D. Levy. Slides
Robustness through simplicity: A minimalist gateway to neurorobotic flight
Contributed talk 8:
Serge Thill and Maria Riveiro
Contributed talk 9:
Anand Subramoney, Franz Scherr and Wolfgang Maass
Learning to learn motor prediction by networks of spiking neurons (paper withheld)
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