Author: mnaylor
February 2021 brought the coldest weather (and best ski season) for 10 years to the highlands of Scotland. Much of this was due to Storm Darcy (the Beast from the East II) a low pressure weather system of cold air pushed from Russia and Eastern Europe. The geo narrative i explore in Thawsonification is how […]
Supervisors: Dr Mark Naylor, Prof Hugh Sinclair, Dr Stella Pytharouli, Calum Cuthill Summary You will improve and test our prototype arduino based low-cost seismic logger which is designed for meduim-term deployments, with telemetry, in harsh environments such as debris flow sites. Project background Seismology can be used to monitor the initiation and evolution of various […]
Supervisors: Prof Hugh Sinclair, Dr Mark Naylor, Dr Mikael Attal Summary Big Himalayan rivers cause major floods when their channels switch course. This project will use seismic monitoring to determine the thresholds for this process and consider implications for flood risk. Project background The large rivers draining the Himalaya are prone to abrupt switching of […]
We want to be able to deploy the Geoduino Seismic system as a data logger in remote locations which are off grid. It is therefore really important that we consider how to power the Geoduino efficiently. In some settings, this might be off a lead acid (like a car battery) with solar power to recharge […]
By PhD Student Bronwyn Matthews (Sounding Out the River) In September 2020, I started my PhD amidst a global pandemic of which I had no idea about when I applied in January 2020. I found the PhD opening for a project entitled ‘Sounding out the river: Seismic monitoring of bedload mobilisation and transport in mountain […]
There are two ways to control what the chips are doing. Use the microcontroller to make things happen Use functionality built into the chips to control operations In this post, we are going to look at the latter. Our Geoduino Seismic ADC system has a few different chips that can be programmed. We will start […]
As part of the Sounding Out the River project, we are developing a low cost seismic logger which sits on an arduino that we can use to telemeter data back to Edinburgh over the mobile network. The desire is that we can deploy operationally at reasonably large scale for monitoring in potentially hazardous environments such […]
In the Sounding Out the River project, we had dual aims of showing (i) how to monitor bedload transport during floods using geophones and also (ii) the development of a low cost data collection and telemetry system. This latter component has seen us develop three pieces of technology. BattMan (for battery management) Geoduino Seismic Logger […]
Please find our new paper on the Pre Print Server. Authors: Francesco Serafini (1), Mark Naylor (1), Finn Lindgren (1), Maximilian Werner (2), Ian Main (1) (1) University of Edinburgh, (2) University of Bristol Funding: This collaborative project was funded by the Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe “RISE” project, which has received […]
Here is the presentation from PhD Student Francesco Serafini at the Edinburgh School of GeoSciences annual Postgraduate Research Conference. He is funded by the Real-time earthquake rIsk reduction for a reSilient Europe project (H2020 RISE). Please find a pdf copy full paper on the arXiv preprint server. ABSTRACT: This work is about ranking earthquake forecasts […]
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