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Mark Naylor’s Blog

Mark Naylor’s Blog

I want to know how the Earth works…

Research Funding

Live Funding

PI (£110k) 2024-25 Sounding Out the River: Monitoring and Modelling Sediment Transport for Risk Management (EPSRC Collaborative Impact Accelerator Award)

CoI (£456k) 2024-27 SOPRANO: Sounding Out the Environment (NERC-Defra) Development of machine learning edge of network hardware and software for automated analysis of soundscapes.

PI (£2k) 2024-25 Sounding out the River Feshie (British Society for Geomorphology) Funding to continue monitoring bedload transport events on the River Feshie for a further year.

CoI (£1M) 2024-27 Dynamic Risk for Cascading Himalayan Hazards  (NERC-Understanding geohazard processes and their impacts across India)

CoI Galleries2Callories


Past Projects


PI (£220k) 2020-2222 Sounding out the river: a new system for monitoring bedload mobilisation and transportation (NERC Digital Environment call, with 20%FEC)  This is a cross-disciplinary project I submitted with Glasgow, Dundee, Imperial College and SEPA to monitor bedload transport on the River Feshie.

CoI 2019-23 £450k to Edinburgh (€3M) H2020 Real-time earthquake risk reduction for a resilience Europe (RISE) Within an innovation work-package, we are adapting and trialling the use of inlabru to model time dependent seismic hazard. I am the Edinburgh lead on this work, supervising a PDRA and PhD in collaboration with Prof Lindgren in Mathematics.

CoI 2019-24 (£20M) GCRF Multi-hazard Urban Disaster Risk Transitions Hub. This interdisciplinary flagship project led by McCloskey is an opportunity for GeoSciences to contribute to reduction of risk in Istanbul, Quito, Kathmandu and Nairobi.

CoI 2020 £36k PI Sinclair Edinburgh GCRF Fund: Monitoring and awareness of the role of river sediment in flood protection in Nepal

CoI 2018-21 £687k NERC Standard Grant: Granular flow rheology; the key to understanding the exceptional mobility of pyroclastic density currents This interdisciplinary project, led by Calder, is exploring how cutting-edge engineering codes of multi-scale granular flow can inform understanding of the dense undercurrent in pyroclastic flows.

CoI 2017-20  £323k to Edinburgh (£700k) NSFGEO-NERC: The central Apennines earthquake cascade under a new microscope This collaborative project between the BGS, UoE, Stanford and INGV will work up the data collected from the urgency grant to deliver a world leading earthquake catalogue for exploring earthquake process and aftershock forecasting.

PI 2016-17 £104k (160k) NERC-ESRC-AHRC Building Resilience to Natural Hazards: Research for Emergency Aftershock Response, REAR: Interdisciplinary exploration of the factors that would lead to an effective response during an evolving aftershock sequence in an ODA context. Integrates contributions from digital education, history, data science, internet of things, cultural geography, conflict studies, earthquake science, statistics and end-user groups.

CoI 2016-17 £33k (£52k) NERC Urgency: Prospective Aftershock Forecasting of the Norcia 2016 Earthquake Sequence, Central Apennines, Italy Urgency grant to support the emergency deployment of seismometers in Italy via the AFTER-Norcia project, which could not cover staff time.

CoI 2016-17 (£145k for deployment costs only) NERC (Discretionary Award via Cabinet Office): AFTER-Norcia: Rapid deployment of 30 seismometers to Italy (within 48 hours) to assist the INGV with their scientific response.

CoI 2016-18 £203k (£500k + match funding in China) PDRA supervisor on NERC Increasing Resilience to Natural Hazards in China, PUREC (NE/N012356/1): This project is in conjunction with matching funding to the Chinese Earthquake Administration and has the aim of delivering impact in China.

CoI 2013-16 £97k (£221k) FLEXIBLE CCS NETWORK DEVELOPMENT: This project explores flexible design of CO2 pipelines for CO2 storage where I provided the geological/subsurface expertise to an engineering led project.

PI 2013 £47k  PI, and PDRA supervisor QICS2 Scoping Study (EPSRC / UKCCSRC): This project scoped the viability of a follow-on QICS project, explored opportunities for industrial engagement and technical challenges.

CoI 2012-16 £308k to Edinburgh (£1.9M) NERC Probability, Risk and Uncertainty in the Environment RACER Consortium (NE/J016438/1): In this project we transfer cutting edge statistics to quantify uncertainty in seismic hazard.

CoI 2010-13 £143k to Edinburgh (£1.4M) WP leader PDRA Supervisor, NERC QICS Consortium project (NE/H013989/1): Exploration of environmental impacts of leakage using an offshore controlled release from a shallow well. We studied the geological storage context for the project to relate results with likelihood of leakage and I designed the injection strategy for the experiment.

PI 2009-2014 £500k RSE and Scottish Government with Marie Curie Actions Personal Research Fellowship: “Managing Uncertainty in Complex Earth Systems”

Internal Funding and Small Grants

PI 2020 £1k EPS Potlet: for telemetry of Digos DataCubes with Raspberry Pi Zeros

CoI 2020 £6k Led by Dr S.Pytharouli at Strathclyde University, STEM Equal Funding Call: Characterisation of natural background seismicity: the effect of seismometer deployment depth, weather, and urban ambient noise on detection threshold

PI £11k Proof of concept for use of Raspberry Shakes for Bedload Monitoring




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