Fieldtrips Through Sound: River rumblings by Karen Mair
February 2021 brought the coldest weather (and best ski season) for 10 years to the highlands of Scotland. Much of this was due to Storm Darcy (the Beast from the East II) a low pressure weather system of cold air pushed from Russia and Eastern Europe. The geo narrative i explore in Thawsonification is how precipitation, falling as snow is trapped on the hillsides as snow and ice during cold periods, then is sporadically and often dramatically discharged into our local rivers increasing the flow significantly as snow melts during thaw events. This brings risks of local flooding and boulder redistribution rerouting river channels and flow paths.
Karen Mair created a signification of this period inspired by the data collection we are carrying out in the Sounding Out the River project. You can find more information about this work here.
Thanks for the research.