Weekly Changes – 06/11/2023
A quiet week with just a few changes for Ubuntu servers. Here are the details of the notable changes…
For Ubuntu the lcfg/options/rsync.h header now has support for controlling the daemon using Systemd. The plan is to move the LCFG component away from directly starting/stopping the daemon process in favour of Systemd, we are currently testing the updated component and expect it to be released soon.
This change is more significant than it might first appear as it fixes a long-standing nasty interaction with the LCFG systemd component that could leave systems stuck in a reboot loop.
The LCFG bugzilla component has been rewritten into Perl and also now uses the Template Toolkit to process the template files.
The defaults for the resources have been updated for Ubuntu to work with the software being manually installed into the /var/www/bugzilla
All necessary dependencies are now installed, including those for MySQL/MariaDB support, other databases are supported by the software but we only use MariaDB.
Changes to headers and package lists
Members of the Informatics Computing team can browse all the changes to the headers and package lists.
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