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Geoff Bromiley

Geoff Bromiley

Extreme conditions: making planets in the lab



Bromiley GD, Varnam M, Terasaki T, Komabayashi T, Barosch J (2024) The extent of liquid immiscibility in planetesimal cores: Geochemical Perspective Letters 33: 7-12.

Komabayashi T, McGuire C, Thompson S, Bromiley GD, Bravenec A, Pakhomova A (2024) High-pressure melting experiments of Fe3C and a thermodynamic model of Fe-C liquids for the Earth’s Core. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129: e2024JB029641

Saper LM, Brounce M, Woelki D, Cao R, Bromiley GD (2024) Variable oxidizing capacity of slab-derived fluids: insights from Fe and S speciation in glasses from the Troodos Ophiolite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 627: 118560.


Bromiley GD (2023) The geochemical legacy of low-temperature, percolation-driven core formation in planetesimals. Earth, Moon, & Planets 127:4.

Hastie AR, Law S, Bromiley GD, Fitton JG, Harley SL, Muir DD (2023) Deep formation of Earth’s earliest continental crust consistent with subduction. Nature Geoscience.


Drewit JWE and Bromiley GD (2022) Boron incorporation in silicate melt: pressure-induced coordination changes and implications for B isotope fractionation. Frontiers Earth Science.

Gatta GD, Mantovani L and Bromiley GD (2022) Raman Spectroscopy and Forensic Mineralogy in “Mineralogical Analysis Applied to Forensics: A guidance on mineralogical techniques and their application to the forensics field” eds Mercurio M, Langella A, Di Maggio RM and Cappelletti P. Springer Nature (Switzerland AG).


Law S, Bromiley GD, Kilgour GN, Fitton G. (2021) Tracing mantle source variation through xenocrystic olivine in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: A role for lithospheric mantle in the shift from andesitic to rhyolitic compositions. Lithos 394-395: 106185.

Schleppi J, Bromiley GD, Odling N, Bennett NS. (2021) In-situ resource utilisation manufacturing of optically transparent glass from lunar regolith simulant. Journal of Material Science 56(21), 12132-12153.

Potts NJ, Bromiley GD, Brooker RA. (2021) An experimental investigation of F, Cl and H2O mineral-melt partitioning in a reduced, model lunar system. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 294: 232-254.

Bromiley GD. (2021) Do concentrations of Mn, Eu and Ce in apatite reliably record oxygen fugacity in magmas? Lithos 384/385: 105900.

McGuire C, Komabayashi T, Thompson S, Bromiley GD, Ishii T, Greenberg E, and Prakapen VB (2021). P-V-T measurements of Fe3C to 117 GPa and 2100 K: implications for stability of Fe3C phase at core conditions. American Mineralogist 106(8):1349-1359.


Bromiley, Geoffrey D. (2020). Diffusion of volatiles in hot stagnant-lid regime planets. Planetary and Space Science, 182.

Bromiley, Geoffrey D, & Law, S. (2020). Eruption of crystal mush and the formation of steep-sided volcanic domes on Venus: Insight from picritic bodies near Marki, Cyprus. Icarus, 337.


Stokes, T N, Bromiley, G. D., Potts, N. J., Saunders, K. E., Miles, A. J., & EIMF. (2019). The effect of melt composition and oxygen fugacity on manganese partitioning between apatite and silicate melt. Chemical Geology, 506, 162–174.


Berg, M. T. L., Bromiley, G. D., Le Godec, Y., Philippe, J., Mezouar, M., Perrillat, J.-P., & Potts, N. J. (2018). Rapid core formation in terrestrial planets by percolative flow: In-situ imaging of metallic melt migration under high pressure/temperature conditions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6.

Stokes, T. N, Bromiley, G. D., Gatta, G. D., Rotiroti, N., Potts, N. J., & Saunders, K. (2018). Cation distribution and valence in synthetic Al-Mn-O and Fe-Mn-O spinels under varying f(O)(2) conditions. Mineralogical Magazine, 82(4), 975–992.

Tribaudino, Mario, Mantovani, L., Mezzadri, F., Calestani, G., & Bromiley, G. (2018). The structure of P2(1)/c (Ca0.2Co0.8)CoSi2O6 pyroxene and the C2/c-P2(1)/c phase transition in natural and synthetic Ca-Mg-Fe2+ pyroxenes. Mineralogical Magazine, 82(1), 211–228.


Berg, M. T. L., Bromiley, G. D., Butler, I. B., Frost, M., Bradley, R., Carr, J……  Redfern, S. A. T. (2017). Deformation-aided segregation of Fe-S liquid from olivine under deep Earth conditions: Implications for core formation in the early solar system. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 263.

Bromiley, G.D., Brooke, J., & Kohn, S. C. (2017). Hydrogen and deuterium diffusion in non-stoichiometric spinel. High Pressure Research, 37(3).


Bromiley, G.D., & Hiscock, M. (2016). Grain boundary diffusion of titanium in polycrystalline quartz and its implications for titanium in quartz (TitaniQ) geothermobarometry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178.

Hastie, A. R., Fitton, J. G., Bromiley, G. D., Butler, I. B., & Odling, N. W. A. (2016). The origin of Earth’s first continents and the onset of plate tectonics. Geology, 44(10).

Iezzi, G., Bromiley, G. D., Cavallo, A., Das, P. P., Karavassili, F., Margiolaki, I., … Wright, J. P. (2016). Solid solution along the synthetic LiAlSi2O6-LiFeSi2O6 (spodumene-ferri-spodumene) join: A general picture of solid solutions, bond lengths, lattice strains, steric effects, symmetries, and chemical compositions of Li clinopyroxenes. American Mineralogist, 101(11), 2498–2513.

Miles, A., Graham, C., Hawkesworth, C., Gillespie, M., Hinton, R., & Bromiley, G. (2016). Reply to comment by Marks et al. (2016) on “Apatite: A new redox proxy for silicic magmas?” [Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132 (2014) 101–119]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183.

Montgomery, W., Bromiley, G. D., & Sephton, M. A. (2016). The nature of organic records in impact excavated rocks on Mars. Scientific Reports, 6.

Philippe, J., Le Godec, Y., Mezouar, M., Berg, M., Bromiley, G., Bergame, F., … Regnier, S. (2016). Rotating tomography Paris-Edinburgh cell: a novel portable press for micro-tomographic 4-D imaging at extreme pressure/temperature/stress conditions. High Pressure Research, 36(4), 512–532.

Philippe, J., Le Godec, Y., Mezouar, M., Perrillat, J. P., Bergame, F., Morand, M., … Atwood, R. (2016). Novel portable press for synchrotron time-resolved 3-D micro-imagining under extreme conditions. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1741).


Bromiley, G.D., Gatta, G. D., & Stokes, T. (2015). Manganese incorporation in synthetic hercynite. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(3).


Mantovani, L., Tribaudino, M., Bertoni, G., Salviati, G., & Bromiley, G. (2014). Solid solutions and phase transitions in (Ca,M2+)M2+Si2O6 pyroxenes (M2+ = Co, Fe, Mg). American Mineralogist, 99(4), 704–711.

Miles, A. J., Graham, C. M., Hawkesworth, C. J., Gillespie, M. R., Hinton, R. W., & Bromiley, G. D. (2014). Apatite: A new redox proxy for silicic magmas? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132.


Mantovani, L., Tribaudino, M., Mezzadri, F., Calestani, G., & Bromiley, G. (2013). The structure of (Ca,Co)CoSi2O6 pyroxenes and the Ca-M2+ substitution in (Ca,M2+)M2+Si2O6 pyroxenes (M2+ = Co, Fe, Mg). AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 98(7), 1241–1252.


Gatta, G.D., Alvaro, M., & Bromiley, G. (2012). A low temperature X-ray single-crystal diffraction and polarised infra-red study of epidote. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39(1).

Gatta, G Diego, McIntyre, G. J., Bromiley, G., Guastoni, A., & Nestola, F. (2012). A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of hambergite, Be2BO3(OH,F). American Mineralogist, 97(11–12), 1891–1897.

Huber, A. L., Heuss-Aßbichler, S., Fehr, K. T., & Bromiley, G. D. (2012). Petedunnite CaZnSi2O6: Stability and phase relations in the system CaO-ZnO-SiO2. American Mineralogist, 97(4).

Le Godec, Y., Alvarez-Murga, M., Bromiley, G., Klotz, S., Mezouar, M., Perrillat, J. P., … Solozhenko, V. L. (2012). New Scientific Opportunities with next Generation Portable Large Volume HighP/T/Stress/Tomography Cells. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 68(S), S53.


Hirai, S., Sanehira, T., Nishiyama, N., Irifune, T., Klemme, S., Bromiley, G., & Attfield, J. P. (2011). Tuning of structure, morphology and magnetism in postperovskite oxide solid solutions. Chemistry of Materials, 23(1).

Hirai, Shigeto, Kojima, Y., Ohfuji, H., Nishiyama, N., Irifune, T., Klemme, S., … Attfield, J. P. (2011). High-pressure Raman studies and heat capacity measurements on the MgSiO3 analogue CaIr0.5Pt0.5O3. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS, 38(8), 631–637.

Lappe, S.-C. L. L., Church, N. S., Kasama, T., Da Silva Fanta, A. B., Bromiley, G., Dunin-Borkowski, R. E., … Harrison, R. J. (2011). Mineral magnetism of dusty olivine: A credible recorder of pre-accretionary remanence. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12(12).

Su, W., Zhang, M., Chen, J., Bromiley, G. D., Ye, K., Redfern, S. A. T., & Lin, J. (2011). Amorphization in natural omphacite and its implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42(4).


Bromiley, G D, Nestola, F., Redfern, S. A. T., & Zhang, M. (2010). Water incorporation in synthetic and natural MgAl2O4 spinel. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(2), 705–718.

Gatta, G.D., Meven, M., & Bromiley, G. (2010). Effects of temperature on the crystal structure of epidote: A neutron single-crystal diffraction study at 293 and 1,070 K. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 37(7).

Pennacchioni, G., Menegon, L., Leiss, B., Nestola, F., & Bromiley, G. (2010). Development of crystallographic preferred orientation and microstructure during plastic deformation of natural coarse-grained quartz veins. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(12).


Bromiley, G.D., Redfern, S. A. T., Le Godec, Y., Hamel, G., & Klotz, S. (2009). A portable high-pressure stress cell based on the V7 Paris-Edinburgh apparatus. High Pressure Research, 29(2).

Tribaudino, M., Bromiley, G., Ohashi, H., & Nestola, F. (2009). Synthesis, TEM characterization and thermal behaviour of LiNiSi<inf>2</inf>O<inf>6</inf> pyroxene. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36(9).


Bromiley, G D, & Redfern, S. A. T. (2008). The role of TiO2 phases during melting of subduction-modified crust: Implications for deep mantle melting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 267(1–2), 301–308.

Rigby, M. J., Droop, G. T. R., & Bromiley, G. D. (2008). Variations in fluid activity across the Etive thermal aureole, Scotland: Evidence from cordierite volatile contents. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26(3).

Su, W., Zhang, M., Redfern, S. A. T., & Bromiley, G. D. (2008). Dehydroxylation of omphacite of eclogite from the Dabie-Sulu. Lithos, 105(1–2).


Dzwilewski, A., Talyzin, A., Bromiley, G., Dub, S., & Dubrovinsky, L. (2007). Characterization of phases synthesized close to the boundary of C<inf>60</inf>collapse at high temperature high pressure conditions. Diamond and Related Materials, 16(8).


Bromiley, G.D., Bromiley, F. A., & Bromiley, D. W. (2006). On the mechanisms for H and Al incorporation in stishovite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33(8–9).

Bromiley, G.D., & Shiryaev, A. A. (2006). Neutron irradiation and post-irradiation annealing of rutile (TiO2-x): Effect on hydrogen incorporation and optical absorption. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 33(6).

Bromiley, G D, & Bromiley, F. A. (2006). High-pressure phase transitions and hydrogen incorporation in MgSiO3 enstatite. American Mineralogist, 91, 1094–1101.

Gatta, G.D., Nestola, F., Bromiley, G. D., & Loose, A. (2006). New insight into crystal chemistry of topaz: A multi-methodological study. American Mineralogist, 91(11–12).

Gatta, G.D., Nestola, F., Bromiley, G. D., & Mattauch, S. (2006). The real topological configuration of the extra-framework content in alkali-poor beryl: A multi-methodological study. American Mineralogist, 91(1).

Smyth, J. R., Frost, D. J., Nestola, F., Holl, C. M., & Bromiley, G. D. (2006). Olivine hydration in the deep upper mantle: Effects of temperature and silica activity. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L15301.


Bromiley, G.D., & Hilairet, N. (2005). Hydrogen and minor element incorporation in synthetic rutile. Mineralogical Magazine, 69(3).

Heuer, M., Huber, A. L., Bromiley, G. D., Fehr, K. T., & Bente, K. (2005). Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi<inf>2</inf>O<inf>6</inf>)-petedunnite (CaZnSi<inf>2</inf>O<inf>6</inf>) solid solution series by X-ray single crystal diffraction. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 32(8–9).

Shinova, E., Zhecheva, E., Stoyanova, R., & Bromiley, G. D. (2005). High-pressure synthesis of solid solutions between trigonal LiNiO2 and monoclinic Li{[}Li1/3Ni2/3]O-2. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 178(5), 1661–1669.

Shinova, E., Zhecheva, E., Stoyanova, R., Bromiley, G. D., Alcantara, R., & Tirado, J. L. (2005). High-pressure synthesis and electrochemical behavior of layered (1-a)LiNi1-yAlyO2 center dot aLi{[}Li1/3Ni2/3]O-2 oxides. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 178(9), 2692–2700.


Bromiley, G.D., & Keppler, H. (2004). An experimental investigation of hydroxyl solubility in jadeite and Na-rich clinopyroxenes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 147(2).

Bromiley, G.D., Keppler, H., McCammon, C., Bromiley, F. A., & Jacobsen, S. D. (2004). Hydrogen solubility and speciation in natural, gem-quality chromian diopside. American Mineralogist, 89(7).

Bromiley, G D, Hilaret, N., & McCammon, C. A. (2004). Solubility of hydrogen and ferric iron in rutile and TiO2 (II): Implications for phase assemblages during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and for the stability of silica polymorphs in the lower mantle. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L04610.

Huber, A. L., Heuer, M., Fehr, K. T., Schmidbauer, E., Bente, K., Schmidbauer, E., & Bromiley, G. D. (2004). Characterization of synthetic hedenbergite (CaFeSi<inf>2</inf>O<inf>6</inf>)-petedunnite (CaZnSi<inf>2</inf>O<inf>6</inf>) solid solution series by X-ray powder diffraction and57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31(2).

McEnroe, S. A., Langenhorst, F., Robinson, P., Bromiley, G. D., & Shaw, C. S. J. (2004). What is magnetic in the lower crust? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 226(1–2).

Stoyanova, R., Zhecheva, E., Alcantara, R., Tirado, J. L., Bromiley, G., Bromiley, F., & Ballaran, T. B. (2004). Layered solid solutions of LiNi1-xCoxO2 with alpha-LiGaO2 obtained under high oxygen pressure. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 14(3), 366–373.


Bromiley, G D, & Pawley, A. (2003). The stability of antigorite in the systems MgO-SiO2-H2O (MSH) and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H20 (MASH): the effects of Al3+ substitution on high-pressure stability. American Mineralogist, 88, 99–108.

Stoyanova, R., Zhecheva, E., Alcántara, R., Tirado, J. L., Bromiley, G., Bromiley, F., & Boffa Ballaran, T. (2003). Lithium/nickel mixing in the transition metal layers of lithium nickelate: High-pressure synthesis of layered Li[Li<inf>x</inf>Ni<inf>1-x</inf>]O<inf>2</inf>oxides as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Solid State Ionics, 161(3–4).

Tribaudino, M., Nestola, F., Meneghini, C., & Bromiley, G. D. (2003). The high-temperature P2/C<inf>1</inf>-C2/c phase transition in Fe-free Ca-rich P2<inf>1</inf>/c clinopyroxenes. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 30(9).


Bromiley, Geoffrey David, & Pawley, A. (2002). The high-pressure stability of Mg-sursassite in a model hydrous peridotite: a possible mechanism for the deep subduction of significant volumes of H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 142, 714–7234.

Heuer, M., Huber, A., & Bromiley, G. (2002). Crystal structure of calcium iron zinc catena-disilicate, Ca(Fe0.52Zn0.48)Si2O6. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, 217(4), 465–466.

Stoyanova, R., Zhecheva, E., Bromiley, G., Ballaran, T. B., Alcantara, R., Corredor, J. I., & Tirado, J. L. (2002). High-pressure synthesis of Ga-substituted LiCoO2 with layered crystal structure. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 12(8), 2501–2506.


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