Tag: ePortfolios
Earlier this month, on the last day of the PebblePad 2024 conference in Edinburgh – as part of my presentation – I had a chance to share my reflections on an interesting issue (interesting to me that is!) which I call “the conflict of efficiencies”. Having been involved in designing and supporting e-portfolio implementations for […]
I love hearing about what people want to do in their academic practice and figuring out how technology could make that happen for them. That’s much more important to me than explaining all the things that a tool can do in detail. At the moment, my focus is on helping people to use PebblePad in […]
My first impression after arriving at the venue of INTED2014 (10th-12th of March, Valencia, Spain) was the conference’s size. I was immediately reminded of the organisers’ original promise of a truly international event with 650 delegates from 75 countries. The promise had been kept, and as a result here we all were in a massive […]