Emergency Medicine videos Highly Commended at BMJ Awards

The Year 5 Emergency Medicine Team (learnEd) have been highly commended by the BMJ for Pecha Kucha teaching videos they created with our support.

This innovative project involved each team member creating a short video to be used as part of a flipped classroom model for students during their Emergency Medicine Module.
The primary audience for these was Edinburgh Undergraduate Medical Students as a way of preparing them for their placement with the Emergency Medicine team. However, they were designed with the intention of being open educational resources for all. Huge congratulations to the team!
You can view the videos at LearnEd Rocks
If you are not familiar with the Pecha Kucha format – find out more at http://www.pechakucha.org. The presentation format consists of 20 slides auto-forwarding every 20 secs so not only do you have to speak at the speed of the slides but every presentation is exactly 6 mins 40 seconds long.
Keeping text to a minimum and images to a maximum is the key to a good Pecha Kucha (and indeed all presentation slides, in my opinion). It is a challenging presentation format but can be a lot of fun as it forces you to think visually and to move out of your presentation comfort zone.
If you can’t say it in 6 mins 40 seconds, you can’t say it…
Hi Jo,
Thanks for this. The link is broken – any chance you can update?