IT Futures Conference – Booking now open
The University’s IT Futures conference returns this year with the theme of Disruption. It will take place on Thursday, 12th December 2013, 0930-1630, in The Informatics Forum.
New technologies disrupt our ways of working, they disrupt our lifestyles and our settled habits. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not. Sometimes tiny factors turn out to be highly disruptive, and sometimes hugely hyped innovations fizzle out and are quickly forgotten. What’s now on the horizon for universities, our staff and our students? Do we want it? Can we avoid it?
An opening by the Principal, followed by keynote talks from Aleks Krotoski (BBC, Guardian) and Cory Doctorow (SF author and technology guru), provide the centrepieces of an exciting and stimulating programme.
Conference details on the website: and sign up via Event Booking:
Please note that we expect this conference to be heavily subscribed, so please book early and if you are unable to attend then do please cancel your booking so that others may have a chance.
Colleagues from Learning Services will attend the conference and post a summary blog post about the event after.