You can find out more about clinical research training, as well as professional and personal development training for those involved with clinical research at our website. So stick the kettle on, sit back and have a browse.
Edinburgh CRF Education Programme
Providing education activities according to the needs of health professionals, reacting to changes in legislation and good practice
You can find out more about clinical research training, as well as professional and personal development training for those involved with clinical research at our website. So stick the kettle on, sit back and have a browse.
Exciting news! Launching on 1st October will be our latest webinar series – Research during a Pandemic!
Working with our friends in ACCORD, we will hear from a range of speakers about: how best to manage your research; current guidelines and legislation; what we have learned so far; and thoughts for the future.
The first session will be delivered by Heather Charles and Paul Dearie on 1st Oct at 2pm. You can register your interest at: education@edinburghcrf.ed.ac.uk
If you have any suggestions to the topics covered during this series don’t hesitate in dropping us a line, or if you would like to contribute a session we would be delighted to hear from you!
And so it begins! What stated off as a tiny idea, coming from a place of fear, all those months ago has finally started to grow. Through careful nurturing, a sprinkling a team work and with lots of open minds we have brought our clinical research education programme back to life. The relief that we all feel is immense and I hope that this is shared within our research community as all along we have only had you in mind. Our commitment to support you and your research in whatever way we can has always been at the forefront of our minds and the driving force in keeping us motivated and sane.
Our sense of achievement swells as the dates in our calendar fill up with new sessions for you like:
Where a post doesn’t name an author, it’s written by Danielle, the Education Development Coordinator. Danielle has spent 10 years with the Education programme, supporting the clinical research community in numerous capacities including training, education, events and marketing.
Our aim is to provide an extensive multi-professional programme of education for individuals involved in clinical research; our main focus is to promote and inspire excellence in clinical research from the inception of the research idea through to the effective dissemination of findings.
The Education Team work closely with NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh Colleagues, as well as other CRFs, academic institutions and industry partners to ensure that the education provided is current, relevant and meets the requirements of local and national clinical research communities.
Our website outlines the range of events, courses and resources we offer, which are tailored to the differing requirements of these different audiences.
Edinburgh CRF Education Programme website – www.crts.org.uk
On Thursday 19th March 2020 our Education team left the clinical research facility at the Western General Hospital to shut down all of its services as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
We had no idea what was going to happen next; when we would see each other and you again or how our education programme would transform during the government enforced lockdown.
Our team embraced the new working set up, using the down time to re-evaluate the services we offer, bounce around new ideas about how to improve the programme and support our research community better, and build new relationships with contacts and colleagues who already have a lot of experience inthe delivery of training in an online capacity.
Going forward, we have lots of diverse plans to bolster our clinical research community, and as always we would appreciate your input and contributions as we bring these ideas to fruition. Watch this space as we release new dates for our online training and bring you an exciting new webinar series…