What is Digimap?

We have created a video that explains what Digimap is and what it can be used for.  Very useful for showing to people who might not see how the service could be relevant for their work.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NO8IqQohEU&hd=1[/youtube]

There is also a video about the GoGeo service which is a vital tool for anyone working with maps or Geospatial data:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtBZfv-Rjng&hd=1[/youtube]

Annotations Tools in Ancient Roam

Ancient Roam now has the annotation tools, so all the Roam facilities allow you to add your own features (symbols, lines, polygons and text) to the map.

Ancient Roam Annotation Tools

We are always looking for feedback so if you have any requests for symbols, line styles or any other features you would like put on the map, let us know. You can comment on this post or email us directly here:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Remember there is a video on how to use the general features of the Annotation Tools on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSkTZvMNyKU&hd=1[/youtube]

Annotation Tools in Marine Roam

Now we have the annotation tools up and running they are being added to all the Roam services thick and fast! Marine Roam is the latest to get the tools, again they are an initial version with the basic set of features.

Marine Annotation Tools

Please let us know if you have any requests for symbols, line styles or any other features you would like to be able to annotate the map with. You can comment on this post or email us directly here:

Mailto: EDINA help desk

Remember there is a video on how to use the general features of the Annotation tools on YouTube:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSkTZvMNyKU&hd=1[/youtube]

There is also a section in the How to use Marine Roam help page that covers how to use all the different tools:

YouTube Videos Available to Edit and Reuse

YouTube IconAll our YouTube videos are now available under the Creative Commons licence. This means that you can copy, distribute and create derivative works from them if you give us credit. The videos are now available in the YouTube video editor so you can use them to help other users or show people what you have learned to do.

For information on what the Creative Commons licence means and how to edit the videos within YouTube go to this web page:

YouTube Instructions

We’d really like to hear from you if you have been using our videos; please send us an  email: edina@ed.ac.uk

If you have an idea for a video you’d like us to make you can join the discussion on our Facebook page: Facebook | YouTube Discussion

“How To” Videos on YouTube

You Tube IconWe have created some “How To” video clips and put them on YouTube for everyone to view. They show how to carry out various tasks with Digimap’s online maps and downloaded data.

You can see all the videos on the EDINA Digimap YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/EDINADigimap

If there are any particular aspects of the service for which you would like us to make a video, you can add them to the discussion on our Facebook page or email us directly at edina@ed.ac.uk.