Digimap Surveys

SurveyYou may have noticed that the blog was pretty quiet in January and February. This has been due to an overwhelming response to the recent Digimap Surveys, and we’d like to thank everyone again who took the time to fill them in.

We have been busy creating the reports from the responses and making sure that the wealth of information you provided us is seen and recognised by our funding body, JISC. We have read so many stories about how important Digimap is to your studies, research and teaching and, as always, were very impressed by the new and innovative uses you have come up with.

We are particularly glad to see that Marine Digimap is being used for teaching and studying offshore alternative energy. This is set to be an important area of research and a growth industry in the UK so we are very pleased to see our service playing a part. Please get in touch with us if you would like your institution have trial access to Marine Digimap, or any of the other collections, to see how you can be using it to enhance your work.

Email: edina@ed.a.uk   Phone: 0131 650 3302

We were also interested to see how widely Geology and Historic Digimap were being used by Architecture and Planning students to improve their site surveys. We knew that OS MasterMap was an important resource, but were not aware of the amount of detail that you were putting into your reports. Here are just a few more highlights of the uses you have for Digimap:

  • Analysing roost selection and foraging behaviour in bats.
  • Urban forestry ecosystem management.
  •  4D-GIS techniques for spatio-temporal analysis of the Fylde Coast.
  • Mapping bumblebee distributions, salt marsh loss, wind farm locations, land use changes, the Roman Road network etc.
  • Research into accessibility of health services and environmental determinants of health.
  • Locating where an artist had made their pictures on the Pembroke coast.

At the same time as gathering information for JISC we also added in a few questions at the end of the survey about what you would like to see us concentrate on doing next. We got some very good feedback here and have recognised that there is a great demand for features such as printed maps and data to be provided in different formats. Over the coming months we will be using the survey’s findings to help us schedule improvements and additions to the service.

Once again, a huge thank you for filling in the survey, for the useful feedback and for the very kind comments about Digimap. It is great to know how important our work is to you.

Geoforum: 20th June 2012

Dgimap LogoWe are planning to hold a Geoforum event on the 20th of June in York at the National Railway Museum, so please keep the date free in your diary. It will be a free, all day event aimed at informing you of current geospatial developments at EDINA and the wider community, including the projects we are working on at the moment. It will also be an opportunity for you to give us feedback on the services we are providing and discuss geospatial issues with the team.

The day will be a mixture of presentations and workshops with plenty of time for networking with other geospatial people from across academia. Previous Geoforum events have been very successful in providing a space for those attending to share ideas about teaching and research using maps and spatial data.training course Please tell any friends and colleagues who may be interested; we will be using #geoforum on twitter.

Keep checking back at the blog and the EDINA Events page for details of the programme and how to register.

MasterMap and CAD webinar

training courseDigimap will be holding a webinar this week, Wednesday 22nd February 10:30 to 11:30, for people who want to use MasterMap in CAD software.  This is going to be especially useful for Architecture and Planning students or anyone else who uses CAD software. Attendance is free and only requires an up-to-date web browser. (Browser requirements and test page can be found here: Technical Details.)

All the booking and joining details can be found on the EDINA Training & Events page:


There are more webinars and training events planned for Digimap users this spring on the EDINA training and events page; for a “Digimap Only” list check the Training Events tab here on the blog:

Training Events

Data Updates in the new Data Download

We have the latest OS LocatorTM and OS Street View® data available from our new Data Download site.

OS Street View Data Sample

Previously we have kept the data fixed for an academic year, this was the result of a consultation with our users when the service was first conceived. This meant that the data used would be consistent and reliable.  As the new data download service allows us to make multiple versions of the same data available at the same time we can now offer the latest versions as and when they are delivered to us by Ordnance Survey.

We have not yet decided how many versions of each dataset we will store at EDINA, so please let us know if you have any opinions on this matter. There will be constraints due to any licensing issues and due to the size of the data, but if you have any requirements we’d like to see if we can meet them.

New Data Download site for the Ordnance Survey Collection

The Digimap Ordnance Survey Collection now has a new Data Download site, with a much improved search and selection interface. The new interface came from your feedback about the existing Data Download and has been designed to allow users:

  • a much more flexible way to pan and zoom the map while selecting data.
  • to be able to select more than one product for the area they are downloading data for.
  • to be able to take their full allowance of data in a single download.
New Data Download
Click for a larger image.


There is more information on how to use the new site in the help pages:

How to use the New Data Download

As the service is new we would very much like to hear from you about how you have got on using it. Please contact EDINA with any feedback you might have about this or any of our other services: Contact Us.

The existing Data Download will continue to be run alongside the new site till the end of the year to allow time for any documentation or practical guides to be changed.

Digimap Surveys

SurveyYou may have noticed that there are currently surveys running on all the Digimap services. These surveys are there to give you the opportunity to help us improve the  service; we want your views to help shape the future of Digimap.

There is also another reason we are asking these questions; in the current economic climate, JISC will be shortly undertaking a detailed review of all the geo-services they fund including Digimap.  It is very important that you have your say about any of these services that you use as your responses will contribute to this process.

We thank all of you who have responded to this survey; last year the results were fed back into the service and many of the comments were very valuable in helping us decide future directions.  It is due to your feedback last time that we have included new features such as the Annotation Tools and prioritised redevelopment of the Data Download interface. Our aim is to do the same again this time and we have given more space to finding out what you want us to do next in the questions.

For those of you that are finding the survey an inconvenience we do apologise, however we hope you understand our reasons for making it as noticeable as possible. Due to good response rates for the Ordnance Survey Collection and Historic Digimap we now allow users to ignore the survey straight away.   There is still a short time delay on the Marine and Geology services to make sure people take the time to read what we are asking them to do.


Hill Shading now in Digimap Roam!

We now have hill shading in all mid and small scale zoom levels of Digimap Roam. The shading helps show the shape of the land, giving you a much better idea of the steepness of the relief and the direction of slope.

Snowdonia Map with Hill ShadingThe shading is not switched on by default but you simply need to click on the Hill Shading Icon button above the map to switch it on or off.  There is also a check-box in the print interface if you want the shading on your printed maps.

We have created the Hill Shading using the Land-Form PANORAMA DTM data and we will soon be using the Land-Form PROFILE DTM data to create a similar effect on the more detailed large scale maps in Digimap Roam.

What is Digimap?

We have created a video that explains what Digimap is and what it can be used for.  Very useful for showing to people who might not see how the service could be relevant for their work.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NO8IqQohEU&hd=1[/youtube]

There is also a video about the GoGeo service which is a vital tool for anyone working with maps or Geospatial data:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtBZfv-Rjng&hd=1[/youtube]

Geology & Marine Digimap get Data Updates

Geology Digimap

Geology Roam and Geology download are now using the most up-to-date detailed geology map data:

  • DiGMapGB-50 Version 6.20, 1:50,000 scale data

Geology Data isn’t updated very often, and it is great to have the data refreshed for the new academic year. Version 6  has a few new tiles; there are now only 3 tiles of missing data in Wales, and there have also been a few tile updates elsewhere in the UK such as SC064 which has now been split into two regular sized tiles, SC064E Ben Macdui and SC064W Newtonmore.

There have also been some small changes to the attribution of the data  which is now at level 20.  The main difference is that each polygon now has a link to both the Lexicon of Named Rock Units and the Rock Classification Schema within it’s attributes. Digimap Roam already provided the key information via the Get Rock Info tool.

Marine Digimap

Marine Roam and Hydrospatial Download now benefit from updated Hydrospatial data. There are many updates to the features available and more layers area available across more tiles.

Digimap Ordnance Survey Data Annual Update

On the 13th of September we held the annual update of the maps and map data in Digimap. There haven’t been any major specification changes this time though you will notice some cartographic changes to the MiniScale maps in Digimap Roam.


New MiniScale Cartography
© Crown Copyright/database right 2011. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.

The Urban areas are now purple and on the more zoomed out maps there has been some enhancement to the relief shading.

All the following data products were updated to the latest version available:

  • MasterMap Topography and ITN Layers:
  • Meridian2
  • Strategi
  • MiniScale
  • Code-Point
  • Code-Point with Polygons
  • Boundary Line
  • 1:250,000 Colour Raster
  • 1:50 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:25 000 Colour Raster
  • 1:10 000 Raster
  • 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer

All the products have been updated in Digimap Roam, Carto and all the different Data Downloaders. The following products were not updated as the versions were already the most up-to-date available:

  • VectorMap District
  • VectorMap Local
  • Land-Form PANORAMA contours and DTM
  • Land-Form PROFILE contours and DTM