James made his summer count with an Employ.ed on Campus internship


As part of #ExperienceWorks week today Employ.ed on Campus launches for 2018 applications.


Tempted by an on-campus internship but need a clearer picture? James, a 2017 Employ.ed on Campus intern and 3rd year Social Anthropology student, shares his experiences and reflections on his internship a year after he applied.


My internship was spent in the Careers Service last summer working on a research project into student employment.

I am interested in journalism and writing as a future career, so experience in an office environment working on a largely word-based project like this would be a source of valuable experience. Working with IT packages and database software was also a gap in my knowledge that I wanted to plug. All of these were addressed by this opportunity which is why I was so enthusiastic about applying for it, and why I was so pleased to be offered the role.

I was able to identify specific areas I wanted to improve on, and everyone at the service helped me to work on these. From day one I felt like a colleague, and not simply an intern doing quick admin tasks, but working on a project that involved high levels of responsibility and planning. It was a very rewarding experience.

It has given me an insight into what this kind of working environment can be like, as well as familiarising me with some of the background operations happening at the university. The skills which I have developed will also be useful in the career path upon which I have my heart set.


Employ.ed on Campus applications are open to all 2nd, 3rd and penultimate undergraduates. Search ‘Employ.ed on Campus’ on MyCareerHub to see the wide range of opportunities available.

More information on Employ.ed on Campus internship programme

All experience counts. Firm up on your plans and learn how to get your summer recognised.  #ExperienceWorks



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