A sincere thank you from Proud Scotland Awards 2022
Dear University of Edinburgh Staff Pride Network,
I am contacting you to say thank you for everything you have done over the past year to celebrate, support and promote the LGBTQ+ community.
As was stated during the awards ceremony, 2022 was probably the toughest year to select finalists and winners with over 1000 nominations being received and over 36000 votes being cast, all from the public. Although it was commiserations on the night his hopefully shows the amazing impact which you and your organisation is having within the community and how your actions have caused an individual to nominate you this year.
We strongly hope that you continue your amazing work and impact so that we will see you again at the Proud Scotland Awards 2023.
During the evening, you will be aware that we raised money to help support the delivery of Pride Edinburgh, https://prideedinburgh.co.uk/, and Glasgow’s Pride Mardi Gla, https://glapride.com/, and hope that we will see you showing your Pride, at either or both of the marches and events.
Again, from myself as the Chair of the Judging panel, congratulations on being a finalist in 2022 and thank you for being amazing!
Stuart McPhail
Chair | Proud Scotland Awards