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SCPHRP Bulletin October 2015

SCPHRP Bulletin October 2015

News & Events

DATE: Saturday 31st October 2015, Edinburgh
THEME: A space to hear about and discuss the fight against health inequalities in Scotland, using knowledge and power at the local, national and global level.
For more information and to register, please visit:

SCPHRP’s Michelle Estrade was recently interviewed for the Sunday Mail newspaper on work related to her study of independent fast food vendors’ views on the potential barriers to offering healthier menu options in shops situated near to schools in more deprived areas.
You can read the full article by following the link below:
If you would like to make suggestions regarding a SCPHRP event – including potential collaborations or speakers, would like to share articles and papers, or publicise your own event please feel free to contact a SCPHRP Fellow or Sam Bain (
Papers and Publications

  • SCPHRP team authors major analysis of Scottish “investments for health equity across the life-course”

Appearing in the August issue of the prestigious journal “Social Science and Medicine” is a major new analysis of how well Scotland’s investments to achieve health equity, over the life-course, have stacked up in recent years, compared to those investments in the rest of the UK (“rUK”).  The article is based on a PowerPoint presentation originally delivered by the Director to the Scottish Faculty of Public Health Conference two years ago; it was then presented again, in numerous settings internationally. The major task of preparing a paper for scholarly publication was then taken on by all the researchers on the SCPHRP team at that time, as a joint writing exercise.  Perhaps because the focus is entirely on comparing Scottish and rUK policy and programme investments, both within and outwith the health sector, it was initially rejected by one scientific journal on grounds of “narrow focus.” However, it flew through international peer-review at Soc Sci Med, in record time, with no substantive criticisms.
SCPHRP welcomes feedback on this paper, and suggestions for how best to take its policy advice forward in the Scottish context. Please email the Director with your thoughts:
Publication: Frank J, Jepson R, Bromley C, Doi L, Estrade M, McAteer J, Robertson T, Treanor M, Williams AJ. Seven key investments for health equity over the life-course: A Scotland – UK Comparison. [8,000 word monograph] Soc Sci Med 2015; 40: 136-146. DOI:10.1016/socscimed.2015.07.007.


  • ‘How do we encourage more active travel in Edinburgh & the Lothians’. A workshop report by Dr Mhairi Aitken, Dr Ruth Jepson & Dr Andrew J Williams.
  • Facilitating Active Travel for the people with visual impairment
  • The Bike Station

And much much more., read here 
Filmed Events

As part of the 2015 Edinburgh Festival, SCPHRP filmed Prof. Dorling (University of Oxford) gave a talk on ‘Economic Inequality and our Grandchildren’s Future’: a sharp, witty and fascinating attack on the inequalities in our society. You can watch some short clips from the talk on our YouTube channel, as well as the full talk:! Watch here.
SCPHRP films most of the events we host. You can watch past events on our YouTube Channel. Visit the YouTube Channel.
Useful Links

  • SCPHRP Working Groups – Apply for membership: You can read the updated SCPHRP Working Group descriptions and apply for membership here

Call for Contributions

  • We are starting to collect articles for our winter magazine 2015/2016. If you have any ‘relevant to SCPHRP’ articles you would like to submit i.e. researched work, projects or project updates, published papers, please contact Sam Bain (

You can view all past SCPHRP magazines on our website
SCPHRP’s vision is to develop Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with – and used by – key decision-makers.



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