This project is led by Ruth Jepson in collaboration with Michelle Estradé and Tony Robertson, Roma Robertson (SCPHRP) and partners at Community Food and Health Scotland (CFHS)/NHS Health Scotland.
The aim of this study is to bring together and synthesise the learning from evaluations of community-based work involving food and its impact on mental health and wellbeing, which will enable a much broader understanding of the important topics and issues that are common to the projects, and will help provide recommendations for future project work and for future evaluations. This project has three phases:
1. Carry out a prospective evaluation of the CHANGES programme
2. Review the evidence and findings presented by organisations in the evaluation reports from the CFHS Building Evidence of Impact Programme.
3. Analyse the evidence produced by the community food projects in relation to what has been learned about the impact of community-based work involving food on mental health and wellbeing.
Findings will be used to support future community-based work involving food, mental health and wellbeing. The study findings will also be shared with a range of CFHS stakeholders including community food initiatives, community-based mental health organisations, local authorities, and health and academic partners that contribute to the evidence-base in relation to the impact of work involving food on mental health and wellbeing.
Jepson R, Estradé M, Robertson R, Robertson T. Meta-synthesis of findings from evaluations and qualitative interviews of work involving community food and its impact on mental health and wellbeing. 2014, NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, UK. PDF (£0)
Robertson R, Jepson R. Evaluation of Eat Well ’ Keep Active (Stage 1). 2013, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy, Edinburgh, UK. PDF (£0): An Evaluation of Eat Well (Stage 1)