Introduction to Closer: Longitudinal resources for teaching & research
at Practice Suite (1.15), 1st Floor, Chrystal Macmillan Building, University of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LD.
This workshop will introduce delegates to CLOSER’s range of longitudinal resources and highlight opportunities for life course and intergenerational research. The session will cover the following:
- CLOSER Learning Hub demonstration
- CLOSER Discovery demonstration
- CLOSER’s work on data harmonisation and linkage
The workshop is suitable for researchers from across disciplines and career stages who are using data currently or considering using data from the CLOSER longitudinal studies.
CLOSER Learning Hub demonstration
The first part of this session will introduce the CLOSER Learning Hub, a new online teaching resource aimed at a non-expert and interdisciplinary audience.
CLOSER Discovery demonstration
The second part of this session will be a demonstration of CLOSER Discovery, an innovative new search engine that enables researchers to explore the content of eight leading UK longitudinal studies. It is the most detailed and sophisticated search tool of its kind.
Harmonising and linking data
In addition to making longitudinal data more discoverable, CLOSER is working to enhance the data for research purposes. It has focused on harmonising commonly used measures within and across studies, as well as facilitating linkage of study data to administrative records. This short session will provide a brief overview of CLOSER’s work in these areas, including forthcoming harmonised datasets to be deposited at the UK Data Service, and current and planned linkages.
For further information, please contact Jennie Blows (