Read all about our recent developments at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP).
New starts at SCPHRP
We are really excited to introduce our two new ‘SCPHRPers’ Dr Louise Marryat & Dr Greig Inglis. Both will be joining us from the end of June/beginning of July.
Louise has previously worked on the evaluations of Triple P parenting program and the Family Nurse Partnership pilot in Scotland. Louise will be taking over from Andrew Williams as the research fellow in natural experiments, part of the Farr Institute Scotland. Louise is an active Tweeter (like most of us SCPHRPers!). Follow her on Twitter: @lmarryat
Read more about Louise at
Greig has worked as a researcher with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the Mental Health Foundation and the Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH). Greig will be taking over from Tony Robertson as the research fellow for SCPHRP’s Working Age/ Adult Life working group. He is particularly interested in mental health and the social and economic determinants of health inequalities.
Read more about Greig at
New YouTube Series:
Funded by The University of Edinburgh ‘Innovation Initiative Grant’, “The Evidence Exercise” is a nine-part series focusing on the research and evidence for including physical activity in our lives. SCPHRPs Stephen Malden & Renee Ingram discuss the science and bust some myths!
From 1st June 2016 – and every Wednesday after – a new video will go up covering topics such as “What Happens to Our Heart When We Exercise?” and “Are Diets Good for Us?”
Subscribe to the SCPHRP YouTube channel to get alerts.
EVENT: How qualitative (or interpretive or critical) is qualitative synthesis and what we can do about this?
SCPHRP will be hosting a public lecture on 22nd June between 3pm – 5pm at the Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh by George Noblitt who developed the meta synthesis approach for qualitative research in the 1980’s. George has been invited to Scotland to input into a NIHR funded project to develop meta-ethnography guidelines (eMERGe). Stirling University are leading the grant and Ruth Jepson from SCPHRP is a co-investigator. For further information and to register please go to
Development of an intervention for parents/carers with teenage children- CARE
We would like to thank everyone who attended this SCPHRP/Robertson Trust event on the 26th May. Jane Hartley and John McAteer presented their work developing an intervention for parents/carers with teenage children. The intervention is for kinship carers in the first instance, and we would like to extend a huge thank you to the kinship carers who attended. The event was primarily for third sector groups, and policy makers/decision makers interested in taking the intervention forward in terms of implementation and evaluation. Jane will be following up some very exciting leads, so please watch this space!
Forthcoming conference presentations: Daryll Archibald is blasting a gigantic hole in his expenses budget in June by swanning off to Australia for two weeks to present work at two conferences. The first is in Brisbane. It’s the International Federation on Ageing’s 13th Global Conference (21st-24th June). “I’ll be presenting at a special session on the creation of Age Friendly Cities and Communities. I then go to Melbourne to attend the World Congress on Active Ageing (28th June- 1st July). At both conferences I’ll be presenting on different aspects of my Edinburgh Uni Innovation Grant-funded work on the Impacts of attending a Green Gym programme for Older people in Glasgow. If you’d like more info about what these different aspects are, just let me know and I’ll send you some. One other thing is that my travel for the trip is being part funded by an Early Career Researcher Travel Award from the Usher Institute”.
Good luck Daryll with this epic trip.
Well!Bingo Project
A Fantastic video about the Well!Bingo project – well worth a watch!
Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections
Registration and call for abstracts are now open for SPARC (Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections), an exciting new networking event for those interested in physical activity in Scotland.
This event will bring together representatives from research, Scottish Government and stakeholder organisations to discuss current physical activity research relevant to policy and practice, and will result in the establishment of a Scottish physical activity network to be known as Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections (SPARC). The network will provide an evidence base for physical activity policy and practice in Scotland. Our keynote speaker will be internationally renowned expert, Professor Billie Giles-Corti, Director of the McCaughey VicHealth Community Wellbeing Unit, University of Melbourne and Lead Investigator of the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Healthy Liveable Communities.
This event is free and lunch will be provided. The closing date for registration is 12 October 2016. For further information and to register please go to
Funding available for Policy and Practice members of the Working Groups
Are you a policy or practice member of one of our Working Groups? Are you looking to supplement or learn new skills, attend a conference, or explore an idea of relevance to public health? If the answer to these questions is yes, then our Development Award funding scheme may be of interest!
SCPHRP is committed to enhancing the capacity of the Scottish public health workforce to contribute to, and utilise research, via appropriate career development opportunities. Applicants to the scheme can seek funding for a number of career development activities, including:
- Attendance at a relevant conference, including registration, travel and accommodation costs.
- Attendance at a relevant seminar/workshop, including registration, travel and accommodation costs.
- Further education opportunities, including relevant modules/courses.
- Travel to meet with a key figure in a related field, where such a meeting is likely to benefit your work.
Applications will be accepted throughout the year, until all available monies (£5,000 per working group) have been allocated. To register as a member of any of the working groups, please visit: and contact the relevant Working Group Fellow for further information.
PAPERS & Publications
Publication: Daryll Archibald is co-author on this paper that has been published this month in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. ( The paper is a protocol for a scoping review on the relationship and effects of golf on physical and mental health. The project is led by Dr Andrew Murray from PAHRC and is funded by the World Golf Foundation. And a Forthcoming publication: In the past couple of days Daryll has had a paper accepted for publication at BMJ Open. There are a couple of minor revisions to it but it will be published in June. The article is another protocol for a scoping review, titled: Mapping the Progress and Impacts of Community Engagement in End of Life Care: a scoping review protocol. Daryll is leading this project in conjunction with the Primary Palliative Care group at CPHS (Prof Scott Murray), The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care (Mark Hazelwood, Rebecca Patterson), St. Columba’s Hospice Edinburgh (Dr. Erna Haraldsdottir) and NHS Lothian (Shirley Fife).
Here is some blurb about the project (hope not too long!): Community engagement in end-of-life care is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of approaches, which involve working with communities to improve people’s experience of death, dying and bereavement. Recently, approaches to community engagement in end-of-life care, and specifically the development of “health promoting palliative care” have gained momentum within UK health policy and palliative care services. There is general consensus that community engagement in end-of-life care can complement and go beyond the scope of formal service models of palliative care. However, there is no clarity about how these approaches can be undertaken in practice or how evidence can be gathered relating to the effectiveness of these approaches. This scoping review will systematically map and categorise the variety of activities and programmes that could be classified under the umbrella term ‘community engagement in end-of-life care’ and highlight the impact of these activities where measured.
Employment report published
The employment x excess mortality report is now published on NHS Health Scotland’s site alongside the other contributions.
The full report relating to all the evidence is also now published on the GCPH site:
Accessing and engaging women from socio-economically disadvantaged areas: a participatory approach to the design of a public health intervention for delivery in a Bingo club. Josie M. M. Evans, Gemma Ryde, Ruth Jepson, Cindy Gray, Ashley Shepherd, Dionne Mackison, Aileen V. Ireland, Marion E. T. McMurdo and Brian Williams. BMC Public Health (2016) 16:345 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3013-1
The Scottish Health and Ethnicity Linkage Study (SHELS) is an on-going study examining ethnic differences in hospitalisation and mortality by linking health records to self-reported ethnicity from the 2001 Census. Health areas studied since 2004 include heart disease, cancer, maternal and child health, mental health, respiratory diseases, alcohol-related diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. The following paper has recently been published:
Ethnic Variations in Liver- and Alcohol-Related Disease Hospitalisations and Mortality: The Scottish Health and Ethnicity Linkage Study
SCPHRP’s vision is to develop Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with
– and used by – key decision-makers.
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