Take Five Minutes to read about recent developments at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP):
News & Events
If you would like to make suggestions regarding a SCPHRP event – including potential collaborations or speakers, would like to share articles and papers, or publicise your own event please feel free to contact a SCPHRP Fellow or Renee Ingram (renee.ingram@ed.ac.uk).
New SCPHRP Staff:
Dr Jan Pringle has joined the Adolescence and Young Adulthood Working Group. Jan is working on a review of biological development in adolescence and its impact upon the development of health behaviours. This project is a collaboration between NHS Health Scotland, the Scottish Government and SCPHRP, working with Prof. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London.
Research Fellow, University of Stirling.Great opportunity for someone interested in meta-ethnography to work with a team of experts in qualitative methods and qualitative synthesis from around the world to develop meta-ethnography guidelines. The successful person will even get to meet George Noblit – the man behind the method! The job is based in the University of Stirling and several members of SCHPRP including Margaret Maxwell and Ruth Jepson are co-applicants on the grant. Read more.
SCPHRP Event: 31 March 2015:
Open Space on Health Inequalities in Scotland: Emerging Risks and Opportunities for Change. An open space to discuss what you think health inequalities in Scotland will look like in the next decade and beyond, particularly related to emerging risk factors, health/wellbeing outcomes and potential solutions given the current (and emerging) social and political landscape. Register here. #OpenSpaceHI
SCPHRP/Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Workshop: 11-12 May 2015:
Workshop in synthesising qualitative research. Register here.
Training Course (£): 31 May – 2 June 2015:
Pragmatic Evaluation in Physical Activity & Public Health.Read more.
SCPHRP Event: 08 June 2015:
Young STAND Awards. Mentor and SCPHRP are delighted to launch the 3rd year of The Young STAND (Scots Tackling Alcohol and Drugs) Awards. Read more here.
Applications Open:
Applications are now open for the Young STAND Awards with a closing date of 20th April 2015. The awards ceremony will take place at the Traverse Theatre on 8 June 2015. Find out more here.
Event: 26 – 28 August 2015:
The Farr Institute’s First International Conference. Register interest – farrscotland-administration@dundee.ac.uk
SCPHRP Magazine:
The SCPHRP magazine is now available online. You can also request a physical copy. Featured articles include: The STAND Awards; ‘Reducing health inequalities in the early years — what should Scotland do next?’; An interview with Susan Lowes from Voluntary Health Scotland; and The Well!Bingo project.
Call for Contributions:
We are starting to collect articles for our next magazine. If you have any ‘relevant to SCPHRP’ articles you would like to submit i.e. researched work, projects or project updates, published papers, please contact Sam Bain (Samantha.bain@ed.ac.uk). Size wise…it can be between 100 to 300 words with any links, logos, images would be great (please make sure there is authorisation to use any images and logos in print and on the web).
You can view all past SCPHRP magazines on our website http://www.scphrp.ac.uk/
Papers and Publications
Infographic:Why We Need to Talk About Continuity of Care for Maternity. View here.
Interview: Advancing public health skills and structures: An interview with John Frank by Ross Graham. Published in the November/December 2014 issue of Canadian Journal of Public Health (Vol 105, No6, 2014). Request PDF.
Report: ‘Creating Better Health & Wellbeing’ event report. September 2014. (PDF £0)
Summary of a one-day event for community organisations and researchers to network and learn about successful collaboration. Further resources here.
Report: ‘National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework: A framework for improving the planning and delivery of integrated health and social care services’. The Scottish Government, February 2015. (PDF £0)
Useful Links
Working Group:
Apply for membership: You can read the updated SCPHRP Working Group descriptions and apply for membership here.
Filmed Events:
SCPHRP Meets… Professor Richard Wiseman. We sat down with Professor Richard Wiseman to discuss the links between public health, psychology and MAGIC! Watch here.
SCPHRP event: Creating Better Health and Wellbeing. SCPHRP ran an event in September 2014 to help researchers and community organisations network and learn together about improving health and reducing health inequalities. This event was developed by the “Social Change & Health’ and ‘Ageing Well: Healthier Futures’ sub-groups within the Adult Life / Working Age Working Group, led by SCPHRP’s Tony Robertson. Watch here.
Presentation by Ruth Jepson. Intervention Programmes to Prevent Multiple Risk Behaviour. Watch here.
SCPHRP films most of the events we host. You can watch past events on our YouTube Channel.Visit the YouTube Channel.
Top Tweets from @scphrp
SCPHRP’s vision is to develop Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with – and used by – key decision-makers.