SCPHRP Bulletin No 6
Take Five Minutes to read about recent developments at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP):
News & Events
If you would like to make suggestions regarding a SCPHRP event – including potential collaborations or speakers, would like to share articles and papers, or publicise your own event please feel free to contact a SCPHRP Fellow or Renee Ingram (
Event: 01 Sept 2014 –22nd PHIRN Health Challenge Wales Seminar – ‘Tackling Workplace Sedentary Behaviour’. Register here.
Event: 03 Sept 2014 – Creating Better Health & Wellbeing: Community organisations and researchers learning together. Places are limited. Register here.This one-day networking and learning event organised by members of the Adult Life/Working Age Working Group at the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy (SCPHRP) aims to help bring academic researchers and community projects together to discuss methods and experiences of improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in Scotland.
Expressions of Interest: 05 Sept 2014 – International Society of behaviour Change (ISBNPA): Advancing Behaviour Change. (Event: 03-06 June 2015). Apply to present at a workshop here.
Fringe Festival – Death on the Fringe. A series of shows at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe that look at death and dying from different perspectives – some serious, some comical – but all making you think about what it means to live well and die well. It is part of the ongoing charity-led campaign, Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief. See show listings here.
Vacancies –
- x2 Research Fellow roles at Queen’s University Belfast. Read more here and here.
- Scientific Editor, Cambridge University. Read more here.
Call for Contributions: We are starting to collect articles for our summer magazine. If you have any ‘relevant to SCPHRP’ articles you would like to submit i.e. researched work, projects or project updates, published papers, please contact Sam Bain. Size wise…it can be between 100 to 300 words with any links, logos, images would be great (please make sure there is authorisation to use any images and logos in print and on the web). DEADLINE for any submissions is Monday 30 June.
You can view all past SCPHRP magazines on our website
New SCPHRP Fellow – SCPHRP is excited to introduce our new Later Life Research Fellow, Daryll Archibald. You can learn more about Daryll in the next SCPHRP Magazine, and online.
Papers and Publications
Doi L, Cheyne H, Jepson R. Alcohol brief interventions in antenatal care. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:170. (PDF £0)
Useful Links
Filmed Events:
Social Connections and Health Across the Lifecourse: Adolescence, Social Connectedness & Health-related Behaviours’ – a talk by Dr Marion Henderson, Senior Investigator Scientist, MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow. Watch here.
Would an Independent Scotland be a more or less equal place? – The Equality Trust asked SCPHRP to record a debate the Trust had organised around the question “Would an Independent Scotland be a more or less equal place?”. Chaired by Professor Kate Pickett, and featuring Jackie Bailie MSP (Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Health, Well-being and City Strategy) and Robin McAlpine (Director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation) as panellists. Watch here.
Achieving Health Equity in Ontario: Insights from the POWER Study – a talk by Dr Arlene Bierman, University of Toronto. Dr Arlene Bierman discusses the insights from the POWER Study (Project for an Ontario Women’s Health Evidence-Based Report). Watch here.
SCPHRP films most of the events we host. You can watch past events on our YouTube Channel. Visit the YouTube Channel.
On 24 June 2014, Voluntary Health Scotland and the Scottish Transitions Forum jointly delivered the second seminar in the ‘Unequal Lives, Unjust Deaths’ series, examining health inequalities across the life course and the voluntary sector contribution to reducing, preventing and reversing these. This seminar specifically examined health inequalities and transition services. Ruth Jepson spoke about the evidence base for tackling health inequalities in transition services, including the context around tackling health inequalities in transitions, critical transition points and the evidence for what works for reducing risk and strengthening young people’s resilience. View her presentation and more details of the event here.
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SCPHRP’s vision is to develop Scotland as a leader in public-health intervention research for equitable health improvement through catalysing strong researcher/research-user collaborations that ensure timely, robust, policy relevant research that is created with – and used by – key decision-makers.
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