In addition to its programme of competitively awarded seed grants, SCPHRP commissioned seven needs-based projects during 2008 – 2012, with a focus on the development of improved data-systems for sensitive population-level monitoring of overall changes in Scottish health status, and trends and patterns in health inequalities, particularly by socio-economic status (SES).
Launched in 2008, this project has capitalised on the rich linkable database created by Prof. Paul Boyle and colleagues at the Scottish Longitudinal Studies Centre, the centerpiece of which is the Scottish Longitudinal Study, a 5% sample of a recent Scottish census, followed up by anonymised computer record-linkage for a range of health, social, economic and vital-statistical outcomes.
Final report
Assessing socio-economic inequalities in mortality and other health outcomes
a) Popham, F. et al. The Scottish excess in mortality compared to the English and Welsh. Is it a country of residence or country of birth excess? Health and Place (2010); 16(4):759-762. (£)
b) Popham, F and Boyle, P. Is there a ’Scottish effect’ for mortality? Prospective observational study of census linkage studies. Journal of Public Health (2011) doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdr023 (£0)