This project is a SCPHRP seed-funded research project. Seed-funding research was part of the SCPHRP remit during the period of 2008 ’ 2012.
University of Glasgow
Principle investigator:
Dr Phil Wilson
We propose an exploratory randomised trial, among prospective mothers at high psychosocial risk, comparing an antenatal intervention (Mellow Bumps) designed to improve both maternal anxiety and postnatal sensitivity to the baby, with an intervention designed to reduce anxiety alone and with care as usual. This is the first attempt, to our knowledge, to assess the efficacy of an exclusively antenatal intervention with vulnerable mothers seeking to improve both maternal mental wellbeing and sensitivity. Baseline, post-intervention and postnatal follow up measures will include assessments of maternal anxiety, depression, irritability and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis function. Maternal sensitivity will also be assessed at postnatal follow up. Neonatal stress responses will be assessed and consent will be sought for collection of long term cognitive and neuropsychiatric outcomes in the child using routine data sources.
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