The Young STAND Awards (Young Scots Tackling Alcohol and Drugs Awards) is an awards scheme co-hosted by Mentor Scotland and SCPHRP, aimed at young people who, through their schools or communities, are involved in projects which address alcohol and substance misuse.
The inaugural Young STAND Awards was held in 2013, and takes place annually.
How Young STAND works:
Projects with strong youth involvement, and a focus on drug and alcohol prevention/education apply. From these, the top projects are chosen to present their work at the Young STAND Awards event. On the day a panel selects the top project from two categories: Schools and Communities, and these projects are presented with an award. In 2014 the wining projects also received £1000 each, awarded by Mentor Scotland.
The Aim of the Young STAND Awards:
The aim of the Young STAND Awards is to give recognition to young adults and adolescents who are making a positive contribution to society by addressing the issue of drug and alcohol misuse is a practical way. The Awards give the projects – and the public – the chance to see what other projects are doing. It is also an excellent way for the projects to all meet and possibly collaborate.
For SCPHRP, it offers an insight into the work of volunteers/third-sector organisations, can help to pinpoint areas where research, support, and evaluation could be of use, and opens a dialogue between all sectors of the public health community who focused on the area of drug and alcohol misuse.
You can read more about the 2013 Young STAND Awards here and the 2014 Young STAND Awards here.
Proudly hosted by Mentor Scotland and The Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP)