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Learning Sprint 1 | Assignment: Conspiracy Theory

In the course on 28 September, we were asked to create a conspiracy theory, which was a new experience for me, as I had been learning positive knowledge in my previous studies, whereas conspiracy theories are considered by the world to be meaningless anti-knowledge. I had never tried to create a convincing counter-knowledge before.

We chose the relationship between US nuclear power plants and people drowned while in a swimming-pool, which was very new and interesting to us.

We then searched for some news about US nuclear power plants, and while browsing for pool-related words we found news about pyrexia, and the conspiracy theory had a sound logic -Before US government try to put nuclear power plant on the moon, they did some experiments and preparations on the earth. New ‘non-chlorine alternative’ for cleaning swimming pool-fusion reactors that can unleash more power has reacted to chemical in pool due to extreme heat. and triggered pyrexia.

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