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Learning Sprint 1 | Assignment: Weird-o-Verse



  1. Pick out one thing from the Weird-o-Verse (link) that is of interest to you.
  2. Copy and Paste it into the space provided for you in Miro
  3. Start to add images, sounds, videos and links that relate to the one thing you started with.
  4. Build up a picture of associations as rapidly as you can.
  5. Try to add as many relevant examples of art/cultural practices and ‘weird’ methods of engaging with these examples as you can find.


The subject I chose for the Weird-o-Verse was liminal space, I had seen a video of the backrooms on a video site and this type of subject matter was of great interest to me. So although it was not included in Neil’s map of the Weird-o-Verse, I chose the subject of liminal space to follow up on. As a new kind of internet art practice, liminal space aims to redesign familiar but easily overlooked places in people’s lives, to make people look twice at things we know and take for granted in our daily lives through a sense of weirdness.

Based on liminal space, I have also looked at the weirdcore, dreamcore and poolcore art forms that have emerged from this element, expanding on the related topic more broadly. In addition, I have found that based on images, liminal space has now developed into more manifestations, including video, and the combination of images and music. Weird electronic synthesised music has been chosen to be combined with images containing elements of liminal space, resulting in liminal space elements of music. This is a very interesting element, adapting elements from images and videos to music, but still giving a sense of the weirdness of liminal space. In addition, many games are starting to incorporate liminal space elements into their output, such as inside the backrooms, a game based on the classic image of the backrooms.


… Before the next class, create a new word on your own that you feel might be able to aid in the understanding of any aspect of the Weird Scene you have been creating with your Basho today. Create a definition of the word and post it in your Portfolio and in your Tutorial Group MS Teams Channel for the Themes Course.

On the 26th of September we experienced the weird machine. it was difficult to ask questions from scratch, but once someone started it was fun. We asked questions about nature and the supernatural, such as what it’s like to be a sea, and whether magic and magical creatures exist.

And then we had a discussion for our respective Weird-o-Verse, and we found that our groups all had more or less medical elements involved. For example, I mentioned in the poolcore section that some people watch videos of poolcore elements to relieve insomnia and regulate stress; my group member Alexa researched about poisonous mushrooms and how many people use mushroom extracts as medicine; Jing-Ting mentioned the history of medieval taboos and religious cures for illnesses, and so on. So we put together our own medical content to create a ccultic milieu by creating our group’s own weird world.

I chose a combination of the words medical and superstition and created the new word medictition. medical was chosen because the theme of our group’s weird scene was medical and the word superstition was chosen because in the context of cultic milieu people believe in more or less anti-scientific arguments. The word superstition was chosen because, in the context of cultic milieu, people would more or less believe in anti-scientific arguments.

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