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Borders are for Crossing – Development with bed in location.

Looking at developing the idea of comfort being forced outside into a space that doesn’t inspire those emotions,  I went outside to locations that you wouldn’t normally see dry or comfortable objects. I choose to build a bed in those locations as I think a bed is the best example of something that you consider as a part of ‘your space’ and each individual has there own emotions attached to it. So seeing it unclaimed in spaces where the borders of the bedroom and safety are blurred by the contrast of the outside environment.

After looking at “Bed” by Tracy Enim I was inspired by the intimate way you are looking into the piece as well as the lack of walls, I wanted to out just the bed in those spaces to highlight how out of place it is. I wanted to create an almost voyeuristic like experience when you see the bed, so I took certain photos from behind branches or in a way that wasn’t straight on. I think these images worked in giving me visual development to my ideas, I liked how in some areas the bed really stood out and in others it blended into the surroundings.

Location 1:

Location 2:

Location 3:

Location 4:


Same Location (5) but different roads:


I think overall these images convey the importance of our surroundings and the role they play in building our own emotional borders within a space. Taking the bedroom outside allowed me to look a the bed differently as an object and the different meanings it has depending wether it’s outside or inside. Building it outside close to a road or pavement made me look at it like something discarded or forgotten, bee trash rather than a functioning object that is used in everyones private space.

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