As Marx says, homo faber connects human existence and the embodied nature of congnition, I consider such trational handicraft production as an evocation of human origins—— living within endless nature, surrounded by atomosphere, stars, sunshine, stones, berries the natural patterns of sunset and sunrise.

I consider those homo faber experiences between us and materials as a hibitat of human consciousness. The senses of  material are inputed into human consciousness and the consciousness decides our action towards the world, which means such consciousness plays as an important role in sustainable lifestyle. Obviously, industrialization dispels handicraft and take away such consciousness.

It’s impossible to bring  human back to craftsmanship but redesign the mode of production may bring such consciousness towards the nature back. It is interesting that besides craftsmanship, this week’s workshop to observe our surrounding from a new angle also envokes such consciousness. To let the whole circulation of substance reenter our sensory is surely an effective way to help us regain such consciousness.

Some pictures for this week’s workshop.