Does sharing economy penetrate into our daily routine successfully? When I search for sharing economy, there are lots of instances describe the common people treat nature and their “own” property in totally different ways. As parker said in The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization, Instead of a bigger organization, the individual in smaller groups tends to take their own responsibility. I consider nature as too large an organization that individuals’ responsibility was dispersed into minimal parts, thus it’s hard for people to recognize responsibility towards nature. It would be a good idea to redistribute the nature into smaller organizations and every individual can “own” their parts, so as to encourage people treat their parts of nature in the way they treat their own property.

The community garden was a good example of dispersed ownership of nature, as its localized production sends people back into the responsibility of natural cycle. I found the nearest community garden on the map — Lochend Secret-Garden, and it’s so excited to found an introduction video.



Introduction to Lochend Secret Garden from Edible Estates on Vimeo.