Study plan

Insights and Inspiration
What will you learn about yourself in undertaking this course of enquiery?

-I will hopefully learn how I can push ideas I think as concreted in their certainty. The constant negotiations between two dimensions and three dimensions is something I would like to consider- i.e. 2d sculpture/3-D paintings. Seeing these transformations as a linear oscillation, naturally swinging from one-side to another. The implications also of digital source materials and digital end-products, bookending my creative process.
What are the personal skills you have that you can use in this work?

-I am not skilled but I am trying to experiment with felting, casting and metal. The limitations of space in this sense will push these skills forward and I I’ll have to engage in certain amount of critical thinking. I think the skills in this regard may be scaled down in more manageable ways, and could produce an interesting synergy with being smaller in terms of working together.
Are there other skills that you need to develop?

Yes- all of them. Especially the new skills I will have to adapt in response to the lack of ability to use plaster in the space I am currently in, which will come in the form of salt-dough- something that I’ve only used in primary school but lends itself well as it can be thinned out and made into slip, and when baked becomes hard. In this way it is similar to plaster (except drying is aided by an oven in the case of saltdough) but obviously will have it’s own limitations.
how will you achieve what you had hoped in this year? Can you achieve more?

-Achievement I find hard to quantify, I see it more as a sliding scale of ability verses satisfaction- achievement is subjective, but I feel that as long as I stick to my own briefs and allow room for bending them too I will b okay. Time management is also a huge thing for me, as well as distraction, which I find hard to negotiate, I will feel achievement if I manage to balance my time well this year.
What can you do to extend your knowledge and push yourself?

Read: this is how I go about most projects- visually depicting thought and theory, I find though that I do get bogged down in certain texts for extended periods of time: treating them like holy texts and following their rule. I really love texts on pet-love and queer use and wild-ness/wilderness at the moment, but I am going to try and not let myself get caught up in that. Also I’m in the fortunate position to be living with another art student who will provide me with a certain amount of critique that will help me to push forward.
How will you plan your activity?

Fluidly. I find myself most productive in intermittent, and I find that when I sit myself down in a forceful way I end up ruining things I have already done. I guess this links into over-working- something I do a lot,
How can your recorded your creative thinking?

Note taking and sketches I think, as most people do, sometimes I have too many they like spill out of me and I write on my hands and scraps of paper and come up with random diagrams, using a lot of the time symbols from maths and chemistry. (the therefore sign ∴

, does not equal, reversible reaction sign).
How will you evidence your outcomes?

I will constantly take photos of these, and upload them to my blog.

Your reflection
How well can you communicate your ideas and processes?

I think maybe quite poorly, I have decided I don’t want to start a kind of didactic dialogue, but rather reveal some aspects of what we perceive as ‘home’ and the domestic sphere. This is something I do need to work on, I get so immersed in the making that I forget to document process.
How well can you present your outcomes?

Not very well, but I will try. I am going to take some pieces out into Edinburgh to see how they might interact with the environment.
What are the skills you needed to complete this body of work effectively?

I need to develop my concentration skills, I usually get incredibly distracted to the point I don’t get anything done which I myself find very frustrating. I think this will be especially relevant working from home as I am surrounded by distractions. I also try to think about things too much in terms of planning, sometimes running 0ut of time to actually make anything.


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