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WORKSITE WORKBOOK (24-page, full colour, illustrated version)
WORKSITE WORKBOOK (12-page, grayscale, text-only version)
WORKSITE WORKSHEET (Single-page, greyscale, text-only version)
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Baldessari, J. and Jacob, M.J. (n.d.). In Conversation. In Jacob, M. J. and M. Grabner (2010). The studio reader : on the space of artists / edited by Mary Jane Jacob and Michelle Grabner. Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Bogost, I. (2016). Play anything : the pleasure of limits, the uses of boredom, and the secret of games. New York, Basic Books.
Buren, D. (1971). The Function of the Studio. In Hoffmann, J. (2012). The Studio / edited by Jens Hoffmann. London, Whitechapel Gallery. Available online at: [Accessed 20/06/22].
Certeau, M. d. (1988). The practice of everyday life Michel de Certeau ; translated by Steven Rendall. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Freilich, T. P. and Ukeles, M. L. (2020). Blazing Epiphany: Maintenance Art Manifesto 1969! An Interview with Mierle Laderman Ukeles. Cultural politics (Biggleswade, England) 16(1): 14-23.
Gillick, L. (2011). The Good of Work. In Aranda, J., et al. (2011). Are you working too much? : post-Fordism, precarity, and the labor of art. Edited by Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, Anton Vidokle. Berlin, Sternberg Press.
LeWitt, S. (1968). Sentences on Conceptual Art. Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].
MacDonald, S. W. (2012). Tools for community: Ivan Illich’s legacy. International journal of education through art 8(2): 121-133. (2022). MoMA: Sol LeWitt’s “Sentences on Conceptual Art” (1968). Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].
NET ART ANTHOLOGY: Dispersion. (n.d.). NET ART ANTHOLOGY: Dispersion. Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].
Price, S., (2007). Dispersion. Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].
Relyea, L. (n.d.). Studio Unbound. In Jacob, M. J. and M. Grabner (2010). The studio reader : on the space of artists / edited by Mary Jane Jacob and Michelle Grabner. Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Sennett, R. (2009). The Craftsman. London, Penguin Books.
Siegel, K. (n.d). Live/Work. In Jacob, M. J. and M. Grabner (2010). The studio reader : on the space of artists / edited by Mary Jane Jacob and Michelle Grabner. Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Solomons, R. (2015). The need for space in art practice. Journal of Arts Writing by Students 1(2): 141-147.
Spector, B. (n.d.). (Untitled essay). In Jacob, M. J. and M. Grabner (2010). The studio reader : on the space of artists / edited by Mary Jane Jacob and Michelle Grabner. Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
The Guggenheim Museums and Foundation. (2022). Artist: Lawrence Weiner. Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].
Ukeles, M. L. (2018). Manifesto for Maintenance Art 1969! Proposal for an exhibition “CARE”. Journal of contemporary painting 4(2): 233-237.
Weiner, L. (1968). Statements. Available online at: [Accessed 05/08/22].