The following is a draft list of “[enabling] constraints” that might be broadly relevant to art work / practice. My hope is that by gathering as many examples as possible, this list might become useful when working on further outcomes for my project.
Universal Constraints
- time
- energy
- resources
Environmental Constraints
- physical space
- geographical location
- available resources
- ease of travel
- freedom of movement / action
- weather conditions
- exposure
- visibility
- privacy
- safety
Societal Constraints
- moral
- ethical
- religious
- social / conventional
- tradition / custom
- legal
Personal Constraints
- creativity
- skill set
- education
- knowledge
- intelligence
- physical ability
- physical disability
- learning style
- learning difference
- language(s)
- comfort
- health
- family
- friends
- nutrition
- responsibilities / commitments
- motivation
- freedom of movement
- access to transportation
- medical requirements
- access to medication
Practice – Specific Constraints
- genre / movement
- historical moment
- convention / precedent
- media / materials (in relation to personal constraints)
- tools (in relation to personal constraints)
- reference / research material
- research interests
- market demand
- access to work site
- specifics of work site
- access to peers / feedback
- specifics of peers / feedback