Category: Nursing Students
This experience underscored the significance of effective organization and communication in overcoming obstacles while planning, fostering meaningful interactions, and providing compassionate care in the realm of dementia support, thus enhancing both my personal and professional development. In this earnest blog, I’ll share the extraordinary tale of my time as a volunteer with Dementia Adventure […]
In this initial blog, the undergraduate nursing students reflect on their experiences of creating UoE Saving Lives project to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating, to the University of Edinburgh community. The final-year nursing students involved in this project are Irma Rodriguez, Anabel Fernandez, Lorena Alvarez De […]
I used my Go Abroad fund to attend and present a concurrent session paper at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) International Congress in Singapore. ICN Congress is the largest nursing conference in the world, being attended by approx. 6000 nurses from 135 countries. It took place between 27th June and 1St July. I factored in a […]
Nursing Studies is delighted to welcome our new intake of undergraduate students. Each student arrives with their own ideas about nursing and thoughts about what they can bring to the profession.
MSc Advancing Nursing students came together and held a dinner on Thursday 10th July to celebrate coming to the end of their studies. They had everything from Indonesian satay to Italian pasta, Chinese sushi and English trifle. It was a lovely evening and a huge thanks to the students for organising and hosting. We love seeing our […]
My name is Patricija and I am a final year student nurse from Slovenia. I study at Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor and I have been on an Erasmus student exchange at the University of Edinburgh for three months. My student exchange officially started on the 1st of March and ended on the 31st […]
Whilst studying for my Nursing Degree at the University of Edinburgh, I joined the Edinburgh University Olympic Weightlifting Club. I really enjoyed learning the complex techniques of the sport, and loved getting stronger. Since graduating from the University, I have continued training with the University Weightlifting Club and recently competed at the Scottish Senior Championships. […]
In this post, Professor Tonks Fawcett and Dr. Julie Watson from Nursing Studies in the School of Health in Social Science, describe a PTAS-funded study, where students and staff co-created a nursing curriculum that foregrounds the importance of care home nursing education… The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most […]
image credit: Pixabay, wollyvonwolleroy CC0 In this blog, Dr Rosie Stenhouse, a lecturer in Nursing Studies, describes how she uses study circles as a key learning strategy in a year 4 course, Professionalism 4, on the undergraduate nursing programme… BACKGROUND Study circles are based on the critical pedagogy of learning circles (Suoranta and Moisio, 2006), which aim to develop […]
About a year ago, when I was just getting my head around using Twitter (any followers who have been with me from the beginning will remember that I didn’t like the platform at first), I was contacted by Ron Balerno (@rb33) who saw my research profile and shared his experiences of caring for his father […]