Tag: care homes
This experience underscored the significance of effective organization and communication in overcoming obstacles while planning, fostering meaningful interactions, and providing compassionate care in the realm of dementia support, thus enhancing both my personal and professional development. In this earnest blog, I’ll share the extraordinary tale of my time as a volunteer with Dementia Adventure […]
In this post, Professor Tonks Fawcett and Dr. Julie Watson from Nursing Studies in the School of Health in Social Science, describe a PTAS-funded study, where students and staff co-created a nursing curriculum that foregrounds the importance of care home nursing education… The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most […]
Being playful and experiencing joy is part of being human, but often not what comes to mind when living with dementia. ‘Listening with Your Eyes’, a workshop delivered by Nik Howden from Vamos Theatre Company (https://www.vamostheatre.co.uk/), which ran as part of the Festival of Creative Learning 2019, challenged this mindset. Through a series of exercises, […]