Online lesson and site examples

Here are some mostly-Edinburgh examples of lessons. Further down, sites
Online lessons
- Pathologia has a series of lessons on pathological topics (open access). It is intended as a replacement for the historic EROS-based PathCal series of around 200 lessons (see below). WordPress. Sample pages:
- Infarction – a background-science lesson for Y1 MBChB, but reusable in other contexts. Text and images with short quiz Qs. Not very UoE-branded.
- Normal healing, regeneration and scarring – uses a variety of quiz Q types at the end to check learning.
- More WordPress examples:
- How kidney diseases present
- LGBT+101 lesson repackaged onto a UoE academic blog – AGH! the repeated clicking to agree to cookies spoils the chosen static image for the videos.
- Standard webpages -for example Jamie Davies teaching in MBChB Year 2 – plain webpages, podcasts.
- Ancient :
- PathCal (UoE EASE login required) – created on EROS, an easy-to-author CAL (Computer-Aided Learning) platform on which Edinburgh pathologist Dr Sandy Reid wrote or instigated the writing of almost 200 CALs – useful to look back on these. Very successful in their day, though many require updating or retiring, and probably rewrites and migration – the format is long and clicky. See also…
- PathCAL (older, external version); an older set of the same for external users. Has not been updated at all for a long while. Can use UoE or other institutional login.
Whole sites
- eDrug – key drugs, how they work, what they do.
- Losartan – sample drug
- Edrep – renal education site. Likely to be migrated soon to Edren’s WordPress-platformed replacement site – its Textbook has travelled part of the way.
- Virtual clinic– diagnose these cases. Renal and dermatology bias so far (WordPress)
- Emergency Medicine (Edinburgh)
- Dermatology core concepts, and a detailed approach to skin cancer 101 (Jonathan Rees, Edinburgh)
- Life in the fast lane – ECG interpretation (external)
Presenting lessons to make curricula
- OpenMed gives an example of a possible approach to this. It references only open-access, externally held sites though.
Online lesson and site examples / neilturn by Neil Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
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