Nuer Lexicon
The Nuer Lexicon was developed as part of an AHRC-funded project on Nuer morphology, hosted by the Surrey Morphology Group. The project team consists of Matthew Baerman, Oliver Bond, Irina Monich, Tatiana Reid and Bert Remijsen, and is supported by Nuer speakers in South Sudan, Kenya, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
British Library collection of Dinka songs
The songs in this collection were recorded as part of the project ‘Metre and Melody in Dinka Speech and Song,’ archived and archived with the British Library Sounds collection, which houses 90,000 recordings of human and non-human experience.
Edinburgh DataShare:
Shilluk Narratives & Songs
These recordings offer perspective on the Shilluk culture. Topics range from the beginning of life, and childhood, through growing up and marriage, to mourning. The collection was created by Otto Gwado Ayoker and Bert Remijsen with financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation.
Data on Dinka grammar
These datasets contain data from controlled elicitations on the Dinka language.
Dinka Songs & Stories
The recordings in this collection were created and annotated as part of the project ‘Metre and Melody in Dinka Speech and Song,’
Shilluk singular and plural paradigms
These data, elicited from Otto Gwado Ayoker, form the basis of Tatiana’s Hons. dissertation.