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LCFG Project

LCFG Project

Recent Activity for the LCFG project

Weekly Changes – 17/10/2023

A fairly quiet week with most changes only affecting a few specific services. Here are all the details…


The LCFG baseinstall component, which is used to call other component methods in the newly-installed target root directory, has been tweaked on Ubuntu to run with root as the effective group. This avoids some files being unintentionally generated with the group being lcfg.

LCFG Build Tools

The LCFG::Build::PkgSpec package has better support for managing the list of supported platforms. It is now possible to simply extend the list of platforms for a project using the lcfg-pkgcfg utility with the new --add_platform command-line option.


There is a local-version of the conserver package available for Ubuntu which retains compatibility with the escape-sequence used by Informatics, which uses ^]^] rather than the standard ^Ec, it can be enabled by defining the LCFG_OPTIONS_CONSERVER_COMPAT macro.

There is now a conserver group which includes the conservr user (note the lack of second ‘e’), this makes it easier to provide read-access to the service for some files.

The script used to connect to KVM servers has been tweaked to make it easier to run without being root.


Work has begun in the DICE headers to add support for running an OpenVPN service on Ubuntu, so far this is mainly to add the required packages, the LCFG component has not yet been tested. The SL7 package versions specified in the header have been updated to reflect what was actually being used on the current servers.


The dependencies for the LCFG_OPTIONS_EVOLUTION package option have been fixed to include the libatomic1 package.

Changes to headers and package lists

Members of the Informatics Computing team can browse all the changes to the headers and package lists.

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