グループ 四の二年生・私たちの学園祭

Gakuensai is usually held in Japanese schools between October and December. In Japanese universities, the university can appeal to high school students and other visitors through Gakuensai. Due to the influence of COVID-19, the Gakuensai was online last year. Gakuensai was held in person this year, but there were no food stalls. According to the interview, Japanese students have lost one of the pleasures of the festival. The apple candy, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and cotton candy stalls that Japanese people are expecting did not open again this year because of COVID-19. Looking back at last year’s online school festival and this year’s on-campus festival, I think this year was the most enjoyable. Talking to members both online and in-person made the whole experience more accessible and less stressful.
In the interview, we talked about a traditional Japanese festival held in February called “Sestsubun”. During this festival, Japanese people eat Ehomaki and celebrate with their families. Sometimes a member of the family will wear a mask with a face that looks like a demon, and the rest of the family shout “demons out good luck in”. One of our interviewees said that she really liked this festival when she was younger. Another popular festival is the Summer Festival at Enoshima which both our interviewees said was their favourite, as both the fireworks and the view of the sea are beautiful. This festival is popular with children, but also with couples.
Also, I felt that I enjoyed interviewing Japanese seniors even more because my Japanese had improved this year. They informed me that there are many festivals and events in Japan, including the Gakuensai festival, Setsubun, Coming of Age Day and Hosei Global Day. We learned that food is sold in small tents called yatai at Japanese school festivals. Yakisoba noodles, ramen noodles, okonomiyaki, cotton candy, shaved ice, marshmallow dumplings and frankfurter sausages.
At last year’s festival, our team used Netflix to screen a Ghibli film called My Neighbor Totoro and screenshots of the day were taken. And at this year’s school festival, my team created a hook-a-duck contest. I bought the pool; Eli made the ducks and rods, and everyone else made the decorations and cakes which were given as prizes. Pictures of the day were taken 😊.
Learning about Japanese festivals in the interviews was interesting, as we got to learn the Japanese students’ favourite aspects of them. As in the UK, festivals such as Easter and Christmas are often tied to Christianity, it was interesting to learn about festivals that have come from domestic customs and traditions.
This year’s event went very well, and I think it was a lot of fun as I was able to talk to some people and see some of my other classmates’ tables. This year’s Gakuensai and last year’s Gakuensai were very different. Due to Covid-19, last year’s gakuenasi was not held in person, so we all had to come up with activities that could be held in person. For instance, other groups created an online yokai escape room and screened a studio Ghibli movie. My group held an origami workshop. As our classes had been held online, it was nice to get closer within our groups preparing for the Gakuensai.
今年の学園祭 は去年の学園祭と本当にちがいます。コロナウイルスなので、去年の学園祭はオンライン形式で行われました。そのため、グループはオンラインでできる学園祭の売店の活動を考えなければなりませんでした。例えば、オンラインで脱出ゲームとか、スタジオジブリの映画の上映とかがありました。私のグループは、オンラインで折り紙の売店を決まって、折り紙を教えていました。去年には、全部のクラスはオンライン形式で行われたので、あまり同級生と話すとかか、会うとかっできませんでした。それから、同級生と友達ができるために、確かにいい機会だったと思います。
For me, compared to last year this year’s Gakuensai was much more fun. One reason was that we were able to talk to the younger years more when preparing our stall and for the interviews. It was nice to work together with our kohai who we may not share any classes. Certainly, the Gakuensai is very effective, in making the department feel more close-knit. Another reason is that the event was not held online, we were able to be more imaginative. Our group decided to set up a “hook a duck” stall. We used a large paddling pool and filled it with rubber ducks that Eli had made, the rest of us make posters and decorations or bought food to use as prizes. Other groups set up stalls such as karaoke and tea tasting. It was fun to go to everyone’s stalls together. For these reasons, I think that in-person Gakuensai was much more fun, and I am now very excited to experience Japanese university Gakuensai next year in Japan
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