How to access MLPR lecture recordings if you are not registered on the course

For 2019/20, any University of Edinburgh student (or member of staff) can access the lecture recordings for the Informatics course Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (MLPR). To facilitate this, we have created a separate, ‘audit only’ Learn course on which anyone can self-enrol.

To enrol on the course, go to Learn and select the Self-Enrol tab. Select Self_Enrol Courses from the Course Catalogue.

Select Self-enrol category

Search for the course by typing ‘machine’ in the Course Name Contains field. Select ‘Go’.

Search field for finding the course

Identify the correct course and select the drop-down arrow next to the course ID. Select ‘Enrol’.

Select the 'Enrol' button next to the course

Select the Submit button.

Select the Submit button


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