Hello colleagues!


My name is Alex Burford and I’m the new learning technologist for the School. If you’re not sure what that means, my job is “to support the development and delivery of high quality and innovative teaching materials and methods for both on-site and distance-learning students”.

I hope to develop this site into a useful support tool for colleagues as and when you have a questions about learning technology. Initially, the site will focus on centrally supported tools but as I get to know the School better, this may well widen out into more bespoke tools. Similarly, if you’d like this site to cover a particular product or service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I shall also be offering regular informal drop-in sessions and some more targeted training events. Please keep an eye on the Training page for further information on this. Meantime, if you think I may be able to help you in your teaching, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
