The Research Staff Hub – ‘Resources for Managers’

The Research Staff Hub (RSH) was launched June 2021 and is a key action in the University’s Researcher Development Concordat Action Plan.  The RSH aims to provide a landing page drawing together the resources research staff might need during their employment at the University, while also increasing visibility of services that might be useful.  (More information on the development around the RSH can be found in a previous blog ‘Research Staff Hub – you said, we did’)

However, the RSH is also something that Principal Investigators/Managers of Researchers can use.

It can be a resource to use in conversations with their staff.  The RSH supports communication and coordination of the vast support available to all researchers at the University of Edinburgh, and useful for managers to direct their researchers to, for any aspect of their role and to support their development.

It is also something that managers can use for their own development, with a dedicated section ‘Resources for Managers’ available, that has information and support for anyone with management as part of their role.

Within this section there are three sub sections:

  • New Managers
  • Toolkits & Resources
  • Management and Leadership Training

There is also a link to information and guidance on supervision if you are a PhD supervisor or other PGR student supervisor.

The ‘Resources for Managers’ pages provide links to toolkits, reading, information on leadership and management training programmes, and support around common aspects of management.

There is a link to our ‘Code of Practice for the Management and Career Development of Researchers’ which outlines the processes and policies for managing researchers.  Providing guidance on how the researcher’s employment with the University, the progress of their research and their professional and career development should be managed, identifying specific responsibilities in the management process that fall to the researcher, the manager and the institution.

There is a new career resource ‘Principal Investigator Career Conversations’.  This is an infographic with information to support managers to have career conversations with their staff, including what is expected and not expected, and the resources and example questions that can be used in those conversations.

There are links to key resources such as ‘Line Management Essentials’ which allow managers to identify their development needs, ‘Understanding Annual Review’ an online course helping staff prepare for the process, toolkits on a number of management topics, for example: Developing your Team, Giving and Receiving Feedback, Managing Teams Remotely, and much more.  There are also links to various leadership and management training such as ‘The Edinburgh Leader’ and ‘Research Leader – New Aspiring PIs’.

If you are a Principal Investigator/Manager of Researchers, please do use the Research Staff Hub to support you in your role and own development.

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