Author: Alex McCombie
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography After a long summer we are finally back to classes, but this time we are largely online! Today, I want to take everyone through a short look through my first week of online classes, as well as my top tips of how to keep on top of things […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography The past two years have gone by in a blink of an eye, it feels like I’ve been here forever, but it also feels like I’ve been here just a couple days. From our Q&A sessions I’ve seen a lot of questions about what it was like moving […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography For many students, working part time is a great way to make living in Edinburgh more affordable. As someone coming to Edinburgh after living in a small town for most of my life, I noticed a massive increase in variety of work that you can do when your […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography With the current global situation, first and second year exams have been cancelled and our teaching has been moved online. We were fortunate to already have had most of our teaching in person. Our classes have now ended but today I’m going to give you a rundown of […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography Why did I choose to go to Edinburgh? Whilst many may say they went to Edinburgh for the prestigious reputation or that it’s a world-famous university, that wasn’t really something of much importance for me, what I really cared about was the experience and the quality of teaching […]
Reading Time: 7 minutes By Alex, BSc Geology and Physical Geography Edinburgh University has over 350 societies; from Mahjong society to chocolate society – there is an endless list of new hobbies, activities and educational pursuits to enjoy. In addition to appreciation, political, and volunteering societies, almost every school has a society tailored to them. As a fresher I […]