Changes and Additions to Digimap on Tuesday 17th May

Digimap will be ‘at risk’ between 17:30 and 18:30 on  May 17th to allow for some service changes and improvements to be made. Access to the service will have to be disrupted intermittently during this period as we add in some new features and make some software upgrades.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope that you find the new additions useful.

Along with new features being added on the 17th of May all print requests from Digimap Roam and Geology Roam will have to be made using the print button  Print Button at the top right of the map. We will be removing the print tab from the list on the left of the map on June the 21st, but until then it will carry instructions on where to find the print button.

Print Tab

We are removing the tab to make room for the new features we are planning to add into the list on the left in the future.  You may have noticed that it is already getting a little crowded in Geology Roam, with Geology Photos and an Overview Map being added since the service was launched, and there are more additions on the way.